lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012

Wolf Soul Personality



*See notes on species and subspecies at the bottom*

N00b Warning: Canis lupus is a well-known and popular animal; attractive and easy to relate to. Understandably, many who are new to spirit animals and form-finding will erroneously gravitate to this canine, not quite comprehending the finer points of form analysis. For this reason, members of TDF will be on prospective wolves like the TSA on a man wearing a turban. Please help us with our paranoia by taking a look at the following checklist before declaring settledom as a wolf.
N00b Checklist
If you are not:
1.) Social
2.) Hierarchical
3.) Territorial
4.) Somewhat extroverted
5.) Not a loner
6.) Loyal
7.) Assertive
8.) Dominant a leader
9.) Respectful
10.) Social
You are not a wolf if you could not check yes in any of these. Look elsewhere; wolves are not the best fit for you.
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If you can check yes to all above points, please continue


[ Hierarchy ]
How strict do you need the pecking order? Where are you in the ranks? What do you require of a leader?

You have a very strong sense of hierarchy and many of your social interactions are driven by the way you fit into your internal rankings. When you first meet someone or enter into a new group of people, you immediately feel out the dynamics of the group as the way you act around them depends on where you stand in their pecking order. When coming into a new group, you usually act submissive in an extreme gesture of respect, although this often changes the more comfortable you become. You have the potential to be a good leader, and you are happy to find yourself on top. (Its just as well, because you have the tendency to be bossy and a little controlling, so you often find yourself better suited to leadership positions anyway.) In any case, you usually find yourself in the upper ranks of the system; if not giving the orders yourself, then as an assistant or consultant to those in charge.

Maintaining proper structure in the hierarchy is very important to you. The people you see as beneath you are not to be disdained, but they are supposed to be respectful. Likewise, you are very courteous to those you accept as a leader. For you to accept someone as a leader, you have to respect them anyhow. Respect is a must. You dont have time for people who are overly volatile, cruel, or those who abuse their power. You will find some way to challenge a teacher or boss if you have no respect for them. If you do value the person in charge, you will do all you can to please them. To be clear, the people in charge arent better than you. Its not about being servile at all; its how you show you value someone almost a morality thing. You are a loyal and powerful ally when someone has your support.

You look at those who talk back to good authority as somewhat pathetic and horribly disrespectful. If someone steps out of line around you, you wont hesitate to carefully put them in their proper place. If someone new enters your friend group or if a new employee is hired to work alongside you, they are automatically below you and must act accordingly. In all honesty, you wouldnt say no to a bit of groveling. Blatant disrespect is one of your biggest annoyances, and you can be vicious when people arent in their place.


[ Sociability ]
How social are you? What types of people are in your social circle? Are you close to your family or do you consider your friends more family than actual blood relatives? What would you do for these people?

Theres no getting around it; you are social. You need to spend time with your people or youll feel lonely, bored, and anxious. The idea of your people is important to note. You are a family person, whether that family is comprised of actual relatives or a close-nit bunch of friends. You love feeling like you are part of a cohesive group, where everyone trusts and works well with each other. The feeling of belonging and even depending on people that you love is something that you value more than almost anything in the world.

For this reason, you arent the type to form many casual acquaintances. Though open and friendly around those you call friends, you can be very withdrawn and untrusting with those you dont know. You are a tad cliquish and might even be hostile towards newcomers hanging around your posse. They are put to the test, and if they arent properly respectful to the already established bonds between your friends, youre likely to passively-aggressively drive them away.

That being said, you really are a friendly person deep down. If someone gets past your initial aloofness, they find you rather warm and welcoming. Its not that you dont like making new friends; its just that when you already have some, you fall into the trap of feeling that you have no need for more. When you find yourself in a situation where you arent surrounded by your people, you are happy to get to know others and people find you very likeable.

Like anyone else, you do need some alone time. Often times, you find that you are able to recharge well enough if you can do something on your own while still hanging around your people, but going off alone is definitely necessary sometimes as well.


[ Compassion ]
Are you the caretaker in the group? How strong is your need to care for others? Do other people come to you with their problems? What lengths would you go to help someone? Do you help others before you help yourself?

You are a caretaker of sorts. Youll be the first to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on when someone in your group is hurting. As mentioned, you will do almost anything for the people that you love. You pride yourself on your willingness to make them happy, and much of sense of self-worth is based on how well you do just that. Even those outside your group will receive a helping hand from you if they need it. You are a sucker for the poor kid who blanks when the teacher asks him a question, and youll risk getting told off to whisper the answer to him. Some might be surprised at your willingness to reach out to strangers when you usually keep to yourself and your friends. You arent entirely selfless though you can be a slightly greedy and possessive, especially when you feel that it wont really hurt anyone to withhold what you have.

You are patient and generally gentle with people under your authority. Not the type to abuse power at all, you can be a little rough at times but always very supportive. Still, you are sometimes exasperated at those you cant help themselves at all, and value those with drive and independence.

When overly stressed or unhealthy, you can be a bit of a bully to those you feel rank lower than you. You stop doting on them as much, and become more selfish, even arrogant in an unhealthy way. You attach yourself more fiercely to your closest friend(s) and ignore all others. You become withdrawn, cold, unfriendly, and lash out at even your loved ones, all the while feeling guilty for your behavior.


[ Expressiveness and Humor ]
Do you wear your heart on your sleeve or does it take someone a lot of delving to find out if something is really bothering you? How do you handle your emotions? How are you angry, sad, frustrated, happy, etc?

Around those you feel close to, you are very communicative and open. In truth, you dont try to share your emotions with everyone, but your friends can tell immediately when you are angry or sad because you become unusually quiet, grumpy, or aloof. Likewise, when you are happy, everybody can tell by your chatty, goofy attitude. Although your friends can read you well, you like to keep your emotions under control. You hate it when people are impulsive and lash out, and you value stability and containment of negative feelings. Sometimes, you are more willing to help others with them problems than share yours, convinced that you can handle it on your own. That being said, when things are really bothering you, you will turn to your friends for help. Although a very independent person in most aspects of life, deep down you rely on your people for support. Even just spending time with them can make you feel better, and you actually love that you can trust people enough to depend on them.

Your sense of humor is fairly dark and dry, even sarcastic (although not quite on the same level as jackals or foxes). You certainly have a sharp wit and enjoy world play and clever jokes.


[ Aggression ]
Passive or Aggressive? How? When?

Conflict should be avoided if at all feasible. You do not like getting into fights; you dont even like it when people fight around you. In general, you do your best to keep the peace (even if it means stepping into conflicts that dont directly involve you) yet usually you stay as far away from conflict as possible. You are by no means a pushover, however. Often times, keeping the peace means firmly letting a friend know that they are stepping out of line, and that they need to tone it down a bit. In general, you are very good at keeping your temper, and people respect you for that.

When someone really starts to bug you, passive-aggressiveness is the way you show your teeth. You give warning with snide comments or frosty glares here and there. If you feel that your aggressor is below you, you might pick on that person or snap at them more often. If they still wont back down after plenty of warning, you can turn cruel and downright mean. Characteristically of most canines, even your loss of temper is fairly calculated and controlled. You know how to hit where it hurts so that your opponent is reeling and you live to fight another day. Still, like any wild canine, you can be a little rough around the edges and sometimes let of steam with little grumbles and snaps here and there. your jokes may have an extra bite or your advice might be a little curt when you are in a bad mood.

Although complete loss of temper is a rare sight, there are two ways to guarantee that itll happen; someone encroaching on your territory and someone trying to hurt the people you love. You are unabashedly protective of both people and things. Its likely that your friends will think twice before stealing your french fries. Similarly, you will stand up against any adversary when your friends are involved. There are no limits when it comes to their safety and happiness.


[ Sensitivity ]
If someone says something mean about you, are you able to let it just slide off? Does it bother you and you keep silent or do you react to it and confront the person? What does it take for a comment to bother you?

You are a pretty tough cookie, when all is said and done. You have an admirable ability to keep going strong, even when stressed. You possess great stamina and endurance; you dont give it all you have at once, so you protect yourself from burning out. You arent the type to let rumors or gossip bother you, and insensitive or harsh comments rarely get through your thick skin. Well insulated from most attacks, you face confrontation with a slightly cocky smile on your face and a few sarcastic quips. Like any wild canine, you are sure of yourself, especially with friends at your side. With back up, there isnt much that can get you down.

Attacks from loved ones, however, are much more damaging. You treasure your loved ones more than anything, and knowing that youve disappointed them or that theyre angry at you can be crippling. If they are really angry, you do your best to appease them or talk it out, no matter how awkward, and almost never act aggressively towards them.

Along with conflicts with friends, large, sudden, or continuous change can knock you off your feet. You are a pretty adaptable person, but too much change stresses you out more than others because of the value you place on habits and traditions.


[ Honesty and Values ]
How important is the truth to you? How often do you lie? Would you rather tell a little lie to protect a friend or are you the type to be brutally honest? What sort of things do you value?

Like any social wild canine, you are quite capable of manipulation and lies and not too hesitant to employ such methods. You are excellent at social games; flattering, soothing, and charming the right people with ease. You dont really consider lying immoral. Its just another way to get by. With friends, however, you tend towards bluntness. It can seem a little harsh at times, but your friends will learn you arent being malicious. In fact, they should take it as a sign of trust. You are only that open around those with whom you are comfortable.

You value love, loyalty, and family above all else. You devote yourself to the ones you love, and put a lot of time and energy into maintaining those bonds. You definitely have a monogamous mindset. Respect, emotional control, perseverance, helpfulness, and dedication are also important values in your world.


[ Work Ethic ]
Do you like to work? What drives you? Do you do better in groups or alone? What would you consider your procrastination level?

You are generally a good worker, persistent and controlled. You are dogged in pursuit of a goal and posses a great stamina when getting things done. You arent really the type to procrastinate, although when overly stressed you tend to fall into that habit more often. In general, you are more comfortable with worrying away bits and pieces of that essay every day until its done.

You excel at teamwork since you are a natural diplomat. Understanding and utilizing the needs and capabilities of each team member is easy for you. You love it when you can get a group together to work collectively towards one goal. As a naturally assertive and somewhat controlling person, you like to be in charge or at least in second commandof the team. If things get too chaotic, or if people simply wont listen to you at all, you prefer to strike out on your own. You hate working in a group that doesnt function well. Certainly you are capable of handling tasks by yourself, and sometimes it is just easier that way. [If you have a male daemon, you will be more likely to strike out on your own when you dont fit in well with the group.] When it comes to large and stressful projects, though, division of labor between competent group members is always preferable to struggling through it alone.


[ Problem-Solving and Decision-Making ]
How do you tackle problems? Are you a heart-over-head kind of person, or do you tend to make choices from a logical and objective standpoint? Does it change when you're under pressure or put in the spotlight?

You are a strategizer, like many predators, and pay careful attention to each individual problem to find out how to deal with it. You look for different solutions and attack things from different angles, always careful to avoid falling into a rut. When compared to other wild canines, however, you are more likely to apply brute strength to power through difficult tasks rather than wasting too much time on other approaches. For these reasons, you are rarely thought to be lazy. In actuality, you do share the laid-back, relaxed approach to problems that many other wild canines exhibit; you are just more organized about it. You never spend all your energy on one task.

Of course, you arent above a few shortcuts here and there. If you are clever enough to find the homework solutions online, then, well, youre clever enough to deserve full credit for the answers. You are an omnivore-and-sometimes-scavenger soul, so you are always on the lookout for opportunities. It is the rational, and easy, path to follow. This might also mean that you have a variety of interests that you spend your time on. Some of those interests might be fleeting, but you have a strong sense of curiosity that means you chase the subject until its nearly exhausted. This natural sense of curiosity often drives your passions (you are probably known for it), and you like to stick your nose into everything.

Your decisions come from the border between your head and heart. You are a planner, a strategizer, and you pride yourself in your ability to remain calm, collected, and diplomatic under pressure. On the other hand, your attachment to your people can sometimes overrule your better judgment. (Sometimes your soft-spot for the helpless gets in the way too). All these factors play into your decisions, making it difficult to classify you as a thinker or a feeler.


[ Spontaneity and Caution ]
Do you do things on a whim or do you like to plan in advance? Are you usually the one making said plans or do you wait for someone else to do it first? Do you usually think of the consequences first or do you act before you think?

You are wary and careful, rarely making snap decisions or sudden leaps in judgment. As mentioned before, you prefer to strategize and make sure all the facts are in before you make a decision, and you arent a big risk taker. You like everyone to be on the same page. As far as plans go, you arent totally rigid but more go-with-the-flow, modifying and adapting your strategy as new events occur. You usually have a back-up plan and are confident when it comes to thinking on your feet, so small changes dont throw you off too much. Part of your adeptness at being a team player and a leader comes from your ability to be one step ahead of the problem and adapt to things as they come at you.

Depending on how you fit into the group, you are happy to either suggest plans or follow them out. You often find yourself being the one to decide which movie your friends will see and organizing the carpool. People naturally look for you for suggestions. You are also happy to lend your support to a competent leader, and sometimes enjoy helping things along without all the responsibility of being in charge. [If you have a male daemon, you might be more willing to let others take charge, while those with female daemons tend to be more controlling.]


[ Reputation ]
Does your reputation precede you? Is it good or bad? What do others tend to think about you? Are you the type that rumors follow or do you blend into the background?

True to your wolfish nature, your reputation can be rather varied. Around your friends, you are open, chatty, playful, and affectionate. You come off as extroverted and confident with a rather wicked sense of humor. When not around friends or an environment you are comfortable in, you might seem reserved, serious, aloof, and maybe even slightly hostile. Again, you dont mean to be, but it can be hard to open up around those you dont know unless they make the proper effort. Some might think of you as a teachers pet, or, conversely, a little too bossy, and people who really get on your bad side will think of you as aggressive and cruel.

Understandably, you give off mixed messages; you might be seen as a little intimidating or odd by some, or welcoming and friendly by others. Those who know your true nature generally find you helpful, loyal, tactful, and respectable.

Wolf taxonomy is a subject often under debate. As of now, there are approximately 39 subspecies of wolves thought to exist, including domestic dogs and dingos, and about 4 that might be separate species. As you might have guessed, many of these species and subspecies vary little, if at all, on the behavioral level (at least, on the level that we analyze to). What this means is that finding an obscure subspecies does not mean you can ignore most of the traits on this analysis, not does it mean that every subspecies needs its own separate analysis. Many of these subspecies vary in habitat, diet, and physical characteristics, which are traits that can be discussed in This, That, or the Difference, Yellow Warbler, or Quick Interpretations. When it all comes down to it, whether you settled as a Tundra wolf or an Alaskan Tundra wolf may just be personal preference.

There are, however, a few overreaching differences between subspecies in different regions of the world. Remember that these are only rough generalizations, and more research should be done on individual species.

Northern wolves (those living in North America, Europe, and northern Asia) tend to be more robust and look and act like the typical gray wolf. North American and European wolves were thought to have evolved around the same time. In general, they might be more thickly furred and indifferent to insult.

Southern wolves (those hailing from the Arabian Peninsula/South Asia) are thought to be older and are more primitive in behavior and appearance. They are more similar in behavior to jackals, with whom they often share territory. They tend to have shorter fur and weaker teeth given that they live in warm climates and dont rely as much on large game. Their pack structures arent quite as large or rigid as those of North American or European wolves. They often hunt alone or in pairs, rather than as a larger group. Overall, southern wolves would be rougher, slightly more volatile, and a teeny bit less people-oriented than their North American or European counterparts.

Red wolves [canis (lupus) rufus] are sometimes considered a separate species, sometimes a subspecies, and sometimes a hybrid between wolves and coyotes. In fact, they have several coyote-like behavioral traits, and are perhaps more like coyotes in hunting technique than other North American wolves. There are reports that they are more likely to hunt alone or in pairs (like coyotes or other primitive canines) than in larger cooperative groups. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information about the behavior of these animals, so nothing can be said with 100% certainty about these traits.

This is a pretty good site to help sift through wolf taxonomy.

If wolves still arent quite right, check out this wonderful analysis for wolf-alternatives.

written by-
JKate from the daemon forum/TDF

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