enneagram type: 5; probable Myers-Brigg Type: INTP; possible humour:
choleric; probable Hogwarts House: Slytherin or Ravenclaw]

An Urocyon (Urocyon is a gray fox-seperate from red or silver fox) soul is not the easiest person to understand or get along with. Distinctive but hidden, arrogant yet avoidant, they may have a reputation for being elusive, or for being aggressive, or just for being strange. For those in the know, they are instantly recognizable as fox-souls, though will be noticeably different from their red-coated relatives. It is almost impossible to mistake them for someone or something that they're not. Perhaps they're very physically different, or perhaps it's more of a mentality, but it's clear that they're something else. It's quite possible that this difference is what the Urocyon soul themself is known for. Still, they have an almost an uncanny ability to blend in or disappear if and when they want to.
Like for most fox-souls, hierarchy is a complex issue for Urocyons. Urocyon-souls see hierarchy and recognize it as something inherent that will never go away. An Urocyon soul sees a fixed hierarchy, sees their place within it, and thinks, “How can I use this and manipulate it to my advantage?” An Urocyon soul quite possibly could understand a hierarchical system better than most people. More specifically, an Urocyon soul will have their own personal hierarchy. They will rank everyone they know in a pyramid structure, the base being “most people/people I can ignore/unimportant people.” The next is “people with power/people I can tolerate/people I don't like but probably need in some way.” Next is “my close friends/family,” and, finally, at the top, is “me.” Though an Urocyon soul is, by nature, nervous and not confident (though they disguise it well), they will usually put themselves at the top of their own personal pyramid.
So, let's get this straight: an Urocyon soul is arrogant as anything. They're also loyal to a ridiculous degree. They might not show it—especially since they generally put themselves first and have a huge self-preservation instinct—but they are. If you're one of the people that have managed to rise to the top of an Urocyon's 'pyramid,' count yourself lucky—you have a friend who will always help you out when you really need it. Still, you're going to have to put up with a friend who will make fun of you and insult you along the way. Don't worry; that's how they show they care. If you're stuck somewhere at four a.m. and have nowhere else to turn to, your Urocyon friend will be there. If you stub your toe, they'll be the first one to tell you that you're an idiot.
An Urocyon soul will rarely be found in a leadership position. Usually, they will be in a spot close to the top, but not quite. They will want to be in a place that they can exert some control over the goings on, but not have the brunt of responsibility put upon them. They will want to be in a place where they can escape if something goes terribly wrong. An Urocyon soul will not want to be a 'follower' or a 'lackey'; they will not enjoy being told what to do in something that they find important. Sure, they can be lazy enough that a lower position would be easier, but if something that they really care about, they would want to be higher up in the chain of command. Furthermore, an Urocyon will always want to have their opinion heard, especially if it's something they're passionate or knowledgeable about.
Working in a group is not ideal, though. An Urocyon soul would prefer to work alone, mostly because they view others as not being up to the task, but also because their working strategy [i.e., procrastinating until the last minute, working in quick bursts of energy followed by long breaks, working out of order] will seem unorthodox or counterproductive to most. While you will never see an Urocyon soul finishing a paper a week before it's due, you will also rarely see them not turn one in or ask for an extension.
This is partially because an Urocyon soul is proud to a pretty ridiculous degree. Asking for help is often 'beneath' them, and, more often than not, they will think that they know better than whoever they would be asking. Furthermore, they hate to be wrong, more than anything. This will often get an Urocyon soul in trouble—perhaps it will lead to arguments that turn vicious, or will lead to them never asking for help, even if they truly need it. This stubbornness can be a double-edged sword, leading an Urocyon soul to sometimes step outside of their conflict-avoidant comfort zone and turn them aggressive and defensive, something they will often become in arguments. If an Urocyon thinks they are right, they won't stop until you agree with them. On that note, they are not the best at taking criticism, but, if it's presented in what they deem an 'intelligent' or well-thought-out manner, they will take it. Urocyon souls are also judgmental—and how.
Urocyons are more aggressive than their Vulpine cousins. Though they are naturally passive aggressive and conflict-avoidant, they will not hesitate to react aggressively if they feel they need to. They will probably have a temper that, most of the time, they keep bottled up. Very few people will ever see an Urocyon soul truly, uncontrollably angry, but it does come out occasionally. Their temper will often sneak out in the form of passive aggressive jibes to others.
Urocyon souls are most likely to become aggressive if you mess with their 'territory.' This 'territory' could be anything they consider theirs—a room, a possession, or even a person. If you do anything to an Urocyon's 'territory,' be warned, especially since they hold grudges like none other. Even if you forget what you've done, the offended Urocyon will not. If you purposefully spilled paint on them in Kindergarten, chances are they remember. And dislike you. [They are Urocyon. They do not forgive. They do not forget. Okay, they sometimes forgive. But they nevar 4get.]
As mentioned above, an Urocyon soul has a strange relationship with a hierarchical system, and also with authority. An Urocyon soul will never start a fight they don't think they can win—it's just not in their nature. Therefore, they will most likely follow what rules are already in place, usually with the mindset, “There will be more trouble for me if I don't obey.” Sometimes, however, they will flout rules, especially if it's something that they think they can get away with. An Urocyon soul will shoplift if they have and know they have the skill for it. They will occasionally talk back to authority figures if they think they can get away with it. It's a careful balance of arrogance and caution.
Like most fox souls, they're very cautious, sometimes to an unhealthy degree. It's very rare that an Urocyon soul will leap into something without due consideration. Usually they will have to psych themselves up for something big and 'dangerous.' Urocyon are paranoid and have a strong self-preservation instinct. They look out for themselves and for their own skin. They are not risk takers.
It's quite probable that an Urocyon soul will be creative. There's a certain, almost manic energy that comes with being an Urocyon soul that can often be channeled into creative pursuits.
Urocyon humor seems to be a mix of fox humor and jackal humor. An Urocyon soul will have a quick, biting wit that they can (and will) use against people for humorous affect. They will be able to make connections that most people can't see, so can supply an apt line for a situation in record time. They often see the humor in situations that most people can't, especially serious situations. They will probably be able to see the humor in anything, and will be able to find anything and everything funny, be it dark, offensive, or foul. An Urocyon soul is playful, and will probably see most of the things around them as pretty lulzy. And, yeah, there's a good chance that they'd use that phrase to describe how they see most things.
As much as they won't want to admit it, an Urocyon soul is very sensitive. They will try to hide it under layers of arrogance and distance, but an insult, if not meant in jest, will hurt them. They will probably try to laugh it off or pretend it didn't matter, but it will, and they'll remember it. An Urocyon soul hates to be embarrassed as well, and an embarrassing moment will effect them for a long time after it occurs. Emotions are often difficult for Urocyon souls to deal with; in fact, sometimes, they would prefer not to have them at all. Urocyons are nervous and paranoid, and, even if they don't show it, will take an emotional barb hard.
Put simply: Urocyons are liars. If it's between telling the truth and getting in trouble: they will lie. There isn't a second thought about it. They're good at it will not spare a second thought to doing it. Lying is just another way of getting what they want or need, and they will probably stop at nothing to get whatever it is. Manipulating is what they do. Still, it can be said that they have a very strong honor code. While it's probable that they will break their own code, they still have it, and that's what matters, right? As said above, it's really only the little things that they will bend rules and manipulate to achieve. They will manipulate their friends and family, see many relationships or interactions as akin to strategic meetings regarding a larger battleground, but, when it comes down to the wire, they will probably have one or two people that they are loyal to and won't manipulate or lie to. Okay, will manipulate and lie to less.
An Urocyon soul won't be known as the most compassionate person, except in a few rare cases. They will be known as emotionally distant, sometimes entirely flummoxed by other people's emotional reactions. They are not empathetic people. Still, they will help another person, usually a person close to them, if that person needs it.
Going with that, most of the time they will hide their true emotions or how much they feel them. If they're happy, you'll probably know it, but it's rare that they will express a bad mood such as anger or sadness. Chances are, they'll will consider expressing how they really feel to be a moment of weakness. It is rare you will see an Urocyon soul cry in public, and talking about major emotional things will be difficult for them. They would rather put on a fake smile and pretend to be okay than admitting they are truly hurt by anything. It is possible that emotions will seep out in other ways—a passive aggressive post on the internet, seeming angry with small things, telling someone not directly involved with whatever it is that's bothering—but it's rare that they will confront whatever is bothering them emotionally head on. When faced with something they don't like to deal with, Urocyon souls like to turn tail and run in the other direction.
Being intelligent—or at least seeming intelligent will be of utmost concern for an Urocyon soul. They will want to seem well-read, book smart, and informed about goings on in the world. If a subject which they do not know 'enough' about comes up, they will stay silent through the conversation and make a note to read about it later. Wikipedia is their bffl. Their curiosity knows no bounds, as is their desire to know everything. It's unlikely that they will have one real area of expertise, and their interests are diverse and often unexpected. They're a French major with a Biology minor. They're a book nerd who—oh hey, also loves computers and coding. They are the very definition of autodidactism.
Urocyon souls have an obsessive nature, and will almost always have something that is their current 'thing' that they're focused on. While they will have major things that they always love, they will have something that they are currently obsessed over. Perhaps it's a song they play over and over again, or a game that they want to play all the time, or an interest in some topic. Just as quick as this obsession begins, it will stop. Although they will still enjoy whatever it is, it will fade to the background and something new will probably take over. This can translate into bursts of productivity on a project that will eventually peter out. [Currently, for me, it's this analysis XD.]
An Urocyon soul will probably be a night person, being most active in the evening on. In a perfect world, the day wouldn't begin for them until one or two in the afternoon.
They are generally pessimistic.
An Urocyon soul will probably dress to blend in. Their wardrobe will be mostly black, white, grays, dark blues, etc. They will probably be well-dressed, however. They like to take care of themselves most of the time and look 'presentable.' It is rare that they will want to look fashionable, but they will want to look good and put together.
Conversely, their space will be a mess. Urocyons are hoarders. Their room will be chaotic, There will probably some method to the madness, though, and they will be able to find most things in their room...most of the time. No matter the state of their 'lair,' there will be stuff everywhere. They hate to get rid of anything that they think will be important and are huge pack-rats.
Urocyon souls do not like change. When they get accustomed to a situation, they do not want it changed in any way. New people, new place to live...it will take ages for them to get used to something new and different.
By Jules from The Daemon Forum/TDF
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