What is a dæmon? it has nothing to do with 'demons' and their curved horns, red eyes, and skewers. Plainly put, your dæmon is you. Everyone has one. The consensus used to be that a dæmon was simply a reflection of a person's soul, but over time the community has come to see them more as a part of the subconscious assigned a gender, name, and a symbolic animal form. It is similar to totems since its your consiousness.
lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012
Mountain Beaver
Mountain Beaver – Aplodontia rufa – Boomer – Ground Bear – Giant Mole
Source 1: ADW
“The habitat of mountain beavers ranges from forested areas at sea level to timberline peaks. They enjoy areas that contain second growth tree species, shrubs, and prefer to be near water. They are most abundant in high mountain peaks with decidous forest and are least common in coniferous forests.”
-Aren’t phased by a lot of work going on around you
-Like to be where all resources; food, bed, computer, etc. are within easy reach
-Tend to be aloof; not many people see the real you
“Mountain beavers must live in places with deep soils in order to construct their burrow system…The burrow system of mountain beavers is centered around the nest sites. Almost all the entrances are connected to the underground nest chambers…The opening to the tunnels are covered with tent like stick structure or have vegetation covering the opening”
-You aren’t afraid to get dirty when searching for something
-Look beneath the surface of things
-Like to get to the root of the problem
-Avoid conflict where possible
-Feel vulnerable showing the full you
-Need to have to time and space to complete projects
-Life tends to revolve around projects; you literally are as busy as a beaver
-Most of what you do is connected in some way to your projects or passions
-Tend to seal yourself off from the world
“They have strong incisors. Their head is flat and wide and their nose is slightly arched. The body is thick, heavy, and covered with coarse, dull fur. Underneath the fur is a sparse covering of guard hair, which is dark red of grayish brown in color.”
-Have a strong “bite” when provoked
-Rough around the edges; don’t come off as seeming refined or poised
-A tough little bugger, no one is going to mistake you for an air-head
-Protect your self from the coldness of the world pretty well
“Gestation usually lasts six to eight weeks and litters of two to three young are common. The weight of the young beavers is 25.5g. At birth, the beavers are pink, helpless, blind, and do not have a considerable covering fur. Within six to eight weeks the beavers are able to function”
-Need a long time to get acquainted with things
-Not independent from a young age; naïve as a child
-When in a new location, it takes you a long time to adjust
“Mountain beavers are not very social animals. Rarely do they go farther than a few meters from their burrows. Their home ranges overlap and each beaver defends its nest site.”
-Solitary; independent
-Not a traveler, you like your home and stay there as much as you can
-Need to have space to spread out
-Defensive of your possessions; but don’t mind sharing space
“The sight and the hearing of the mountain beaver are very poor but their senses of smell and touch are well developed. Mountain beavers vocalize in the form of whistles and booming sounds. They also squeal while fighting and make a grinding noise with their teeth”
-Are rather blind to details or subtleties
-Sometimes can’t see the whole picture and have “tunnel vision”
-Have very good intuition
-Memory is very good
-Direct in speech and make clear what you think; are bad at hiding feelings
-Like things to be tangible; literal; straight-forward
-Senses thread
“Mountain beavers are herbivorous animals; their diet includes forbs, grasses, and even ferns such as sword fern and bracken fern…While they are eating, they squat and emit hard and soft fecal pellets which they catch in their mouths. The hard pellets are put into a pit next to the vegetation while the soft pellets are reingested.”
-Prefer things to come to you; not one to actively seek something
-Need to have time to digest information; not one for thinking on your feet
-Your natural talents get you by fine
-Herbivore vs. Carnivore
Source 2: eNature
“Active throughout the year, this mostly nocturnal animal occasionally browses during the day, especially in autumn…Although it does not hibernate, it seldom appears aboveground in winter.”
-A survivor, nothing is too extreme for you to handle
-Mysterious, sometimes dark personality
-Purposeful in everything you do
“It contains a nest of coarse vegetation lined with fine, soft vegetation, dead-end tunnels where excrement and rejected bits of food are deposited, and separate chambers for storage of food and so-called Mountain Beaver baseballs, which are baseball-size chunks of stone or clay encountered in digging; the animal occasionally gnaws upon these balls to sharpen its teeth and uses them to close off vacated nesting or feeding areas.”
-Plan ahead
-Hoard; you’ll keep far more stuff than you need because it all is useful
-Keep yourself sharp; expect everything
Source 3: Wikipedia
“Mountain Beavers cannot produce concentrated urine. They are thought to be physiologically restricted to the temperate rain forest regions of the North American Pacific coast and moist microenvironments inland due to their inability to obtain sufficient water in more arid environments.”
-Sometimes have troubles rationing yourself
-Limit yourself because of your inability to handle pressure well
Genus martes/ The Martens
The Martens

American marten. Source
European marten, "pine marten", "pineten", "baum marten", "sweet marten" [martes martes]
Beech marten, "stone marten", "white breasted marten" [martes foina]
Fisher, "fisher cat", "pekan", "wejack", "pequam" [martes pennanti]
American marten, "pine marten" [martes americana]
Yellow-throated marten, "kharza" [martes flavigula]
Japanese marten [martes melampus]
Nilgiri marten [martes gwatkinsii]
Sable [martes zibellina]
The Martens
American marten. Source
European marten, "pine marten", "pineten", "baum marten", "sweet marten" [martes martes]
Beech marten, "stone marten", "white breasted marten" [martes foina]
Fisher, "fisher cat", "pekan", "wejack", "pequam" [martes pennanti]
American marten, "pine marten" [martes americana]
Yellow-throated marten, "kharza" [martes flavigula]
Japanese marten [martes melampus]
Nilgiri marten [martes gwatkinsii]
Sable [martes zibellina]
9 KEY TRAITS [turn back now if you are not]:
♦ Introverted
♦ Reserved but playful around friends
♦ Opportunistic
♦ A generalist
♦ Territorial
♦ Curious
♦ Generally non-confrontational
♦ Often a procrastinator
♦ A little arrogant
♦ Introverted
♦ Reserved but playful around friends
♦ Opportunistic
♦ A generalist
♦ Territorial
♦ Curious
♦ Generally non-confrontational
♦ Often a procrastinator
♦ A little arrogant
9 KEY FAILS [turn back now if you are]:
Extroverted ♦
Hierarchical by TDF standards ♦
Notably loyal, selfless or protective of others ♦
Notably loud or outspoken ♦
Particularly anxious or sensitive ♦
A workaholic ♦
Notably lacking in self-confidence ♦
The type to start fights ♦
A perfectionist ♦
Extroverted ♦
Hierarchical by TDF standards ♦
Notably loyal, selfless or protective of others ♦
Notably loud or outspoken ♦
Particularly anxious or sensitive ♦
A workaholic ♦
Notably lacking in self-confidence ♦
The type to start fights ♦
A perfectionist ♦
♦ INTP or ISTP on the MBTI
♦ Possibly 5 on the Enneagram
♦ Ravenclaw or Slytherin
♦ INTP or ISTP on the MBTI
♦ Possibly 5 on the Enneagram
♦ Ravenclaw or Slytherin
a note on individual species:
European, American, Japanese and fisher martens are interchangeable for the purposes of analysis and only independent research will turn up anything that sets them apart for an individual. For example, fishers are known for their porcupine hunting, which broadly seems to be a display of general marten tenacity and inventiveness, but could be put to personal interpretation. Exceptions pertaining mainly to sable and beech martens have been noted under the paragraphs they relate to. The Nilgiri marten is not viable due to lack of information.
The yellow-throated marten has its own analysis, which you can skip to. The sections above also apply to them.
It is recommended that you read the general marten analysis as well for comparison and context, although this is not at all a mandatory suggestion.
European, American, Japanese and fisher martens are interchangeable for the purposes of analysis and only independent research will turn up anything that sets them apart for an individual. For example, fishers are known for their porcupine hunting, which broadly seems to be a display of general marten tenacity and inventiveness, but could be put to personal interpretation. Exceptions pertaining mainly to sable and beech martens have been noted under the paragraphs they relate to. The Nilgiri marten is not viable due to lack of information.
The yellow-throated marten has its own analysis, which you can skip to. The sections above also apply to them.
It is recommended that you read the general marten analysis as well for comparison and context, although this is not at all a mandatory suggestion.
Martens are strongly introverted and so need a lot of time alone. They dislike being put in a position where they have to talk to people they don't know and as such don't gain friends very often. Too much social activity can be really stress-inducing in high doses, especially if it involves crowds, loud noise or being put on the spot. When put in that sort of position, a marten will almost always become irritable and withdrawn, and will likely leave at the first possible opportunity. On top of simply being drained by social activity, there is a mixture of awkwardness, inability to understand how to make small talk and a general insecurity regarding being taken outside of their comfort zones at play to make this kind of situation stressful, and maybe even frightening, for a marten. If a marten is going to socialise, they would prefer it to be with a handful of good friends in a relaxed environment.
Martens really resent being made to feel as if they have an obligation to spend a lot of time with people, so they are likely to struggle with outgoing friends who are not respectful of their need for space and quiet, and will probably outright avoid emotionally or socially needy people. A marten requires friends who understand that not always being enthusiastic about spending time together does not mean that they don't want to be friends.
In general, martens make for very low-maintenence friends in that they're not the types to seek out attention, comfort, support or conflict very often. This also means that they don't tend to put a whole lot of work into maintaining relationships that are no longer convenient and will allow friendships to dwindle over time or distance without losing much sleep. They're fairly happy to terminate friendships that have gone bad, although that would be most likely achieved by distancing themselves rather than by confrontation. Martens can't really be described as loyal, at least not in the traditional canine way: if their friend is in the wrong, they have no problem telling them, and are unlikely to throw themselves to a friend's defense. As far as they're concerned, other people can and should look after themselves. That's not to say that martens make for awful, back-stabbing friends just because they are not doggedly loyal and protective; they are not the types to play friends false or betray their secrets. After all, martens don't gain close friends often and so stick to one set of people for long periods if possible. Someone befriending a marten shouldn't expect unconditional love and support and someone who is going to be selfless for them, rather what should be expected is someone who is non-judgemental, who encourages others to face up to their problems and who will always give the most logical and truthful advice they can. If they've wronged a valued friend, a marten will usually own up to it and apologise. They are not really grudge-holders and prefer not to prolong tension or conflict. Once a marten has really opened up to someone, they would prefer not to lose them, even if they don't seem to make it obvious. They're not overly suspicious types but they don't trust just anyone, and having opened up to someone who isn't their friend anymore is likely to make them feel a bit vulnerable.
While martens are reserved, quiet and generally reclusive, they can be brought out of their 'shell', so to speak, by the right people. A sure sign of affection is the marten becoming more talkative, cheerful and playful in someone's presence. They actually love to laugh and joke and get up to silly things with their close friends, although they're not always in the mood for it. They're likely to have a reputation for being a bit of an awkward, sullen hermit because they are so uninterested in opening up to anyone they don't know well, but their friends would be privy to the elusive clownish side of them.
Hierarchy is largely an alien concept to martens who don't take enough interest in people and social interactions to perceive and abide by social power relations. They don't respect anyone beyond the basics unless they deserve it, regardless of whether they hold authority or not. They're not the types to be bossed around, lead astray or talked into doing things they don't want to do, and they're not interested in climbing social ladders. Martens are not particularly manipulative, especially when it comes to people, as they really have no interest in controlling or using others. They can be made to feel intimidated but usually can't be intimidated into doing things. They don't really have an intimidating presence of their own unless they're very angry and rarely try to actively dominate others. They can, however, assert themselves over others when they have need to, such us in competition or to get rid of someone from their territory. Martens are somewhat arrogant and self-absorbed and so put themselves first, but this is not the same as seeing themselves as 'higher' in a hierarchical sense.
♦ Introverted, independent
♦ Not manipulative of people
♦ Reputation as a bit of a quiet hermit
♦ Don't make new friends easily or often
♦ Social activity can be stressful, awkward
♦ Reserved and reclusive, but playful around friends
♦ Uninterested in people and in opening up to people
♦ Do not recognise or place themselves within social hierarchies
♦ Make for non-commital but non-judgemental and truthful friends
♦ Introverted, independent
♦ Not manipulative of people
♦ Reputation as a bit of a quiet hermit
♦ Don't make new friends easily or often
♦ Social activity can be stressful, awkward
♦ Reserved and reclusive, but playful around friends
♦ Uninterested in people and in opening up to people
♦ Do not recognise or place themselves within social hierarchies
♦ Make for non-commital but non-judgemental and truthful friends
Martens will always opt to work alone if they can. They shun responsibility to others and don't like being relied upon, so are not particularly good at fitting themselves into a team structure. They will almost always do one of two things if forced into a team: slack off as much as possible, leaving almost everything to the others, or scorn the team plan and do everything allocated to them separately and in their own time. They cannot function well under scrutiny and despise bossy or nosy people. While martens may usually be quick-thinkers with inventive, problem-solving minds, they tend to freeze up and get terribly scattered when put in a spotlight. They also really work to their own meandering schedule and attempting to make them conform to an organised timeframe is going to be a fruitless endeavour. They always leave work until conditions are precisely 'favourable' to them and only them, which may often turn out to be the last minute. Deadlines are the bane of their academic careers.
Needless to say, martens are really 'go with the flow' types and will likely baffle others with their seemingly disorganised ways. However, that's not to say that martens are entirely adverse to planning. A marten will never leave something to the point where it cannot be done and, unbeknowest to others, probably has some sort of back up in place for if something fails. It might look like they live entirely in the present, and to a great extent they do, but they're not the types to put all of their eggs in one basket. They like to keep their options open and would be sorely disappointed with themselves if they ever lost everything in a gamble. They're not uptight, neurotic planners at all: they just have a bit of what they'd consider common sense when it comes to these things.
Martens are not perfectionists and tend to live by “sort of”s and “that'll do”s. They'll have a go at most things that catch their eye but won't feel the need to be an expert at any of them. Even with something they really enjoy there's probably no drive to prove they're good at it to others unless some kind of direct competition comes up. They're dabblers. They cut corners. They're lazy sometimes. They're a bit disorganised. They'll settle for something else if their first option isn't available. They'll make do until something better comes along. Their work doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough, and no one elses' standards matter but their own. It probably doesn't need saying that criticism doesn't bother them much, although the constructive sort is always noted and kept in mind for next time.
EXCEPTION: Beech martens are capable of being more specialised and focused when they put their minds to it, although they'll usually specialise in something that doesn't take too much work. When they do actively go after something they're even more sharp and capable than other martens and are more likely to become experts at something for longer.
Martens are very inquisitive and do love to learn, even about things which are probably useless. They always keep their ears and eyes open to the things going on around them and are constantly stashing away learned titbits for later, when they're not caught up in their own inner world, that is. They have no qualms whatsoever about using bits of other peoples' ideas (modified, of course) for their own projects, although they are protective of their own ideas. Martens are quite easily distracted and find it difficult to vigorously apply themselves to one thing, especially when there are much more interesting thoughts and daydreams floating around their minds, or easier tasks they could be doing instead.
♦ Very inquisitive
♦ Not perfectionists
♦ Tend to procrastinate
♦ Likes to keep options open
♦ Healthy amount of cautious
♦ Always prefer to work alone
♦ Seem disorganised and easy-going
♦ Do not function well under a spotlight
♦ Very inquisitive
♦ Not perfectionists
♦ Tend to procrastinate
♦ Likes to keep options open
♦ Healthy amount of cautious
♦ Always prefer to work alone
♦ Seem disorganised and easy-going
♦ Do not function well under a spotlight
Martens are not particularly emotional beings, at least not outwardly. Insults tend to roll off of them and they're generally unruffled by obstacles or disruptions. Hurt, upset, anger and so on tend to be dealt with internally, and time alone is needed to process shocks or bad news. They make their decisions based on what makes sense logically and can be oblivious at times to the feelings of others. Even when they do recognise peoples' emotions and opinions, they don't tend to put a lot of value in them and find it difficult to put themselves in others' shoes sometimes. They can be insensitive, both in their actions towards others and in the way things don't often affect them. Not at all obsessive or clingy in their relationships, martens really dislike it when others show those traits towards them. They're more tough love types and express affection through play and teasing.
Martens are unlikely to start conflicts as they are generally avoidant of confrontation. Despite self-confidence and an easy-going attitude, martens can have something of a fearful streak and much prefer not to make themselves vulnerable. They tend to have strongly defined 'comfort zones' and although they are not usually anxious and do enjoy trying new things, it is quite clear to everyone when a marten has been pushed past their limit or cut off from backing out of something because they become anxious and potentially aggressive. Healthier martens have much wider and more relaxed comforts zones than unhealthier ones. Martens are much more likely to wriggle out of a conflict than go in guns blazing and are overall more passive-aggressive than outright fierce. They tend to retaliate to things indirectly and try to give off warning signals before blowing up at anyone. They are not quick to anger anyway, but if put in a corner or particularly riled, martens can be vicious.
EXCEPTION: Beech and sable martens are less worried about being exposed and vulnerable than other martens.
♦ Conflict avoidant
♦ Emotionally guarded
♦ Clear comfort zones
♦ Sometimes insensitive
♦ Capable of being vicious
♦ Often passive-aggressive
♦ Conflict avoidant
♦ Emotionally guarded
♦ Clear comfort zones
♦ Sometimes insensitive
♦ Capable of being vicious
♦ Often passive-aggressive
Martens are all independent sorts and probably dislike looking incapable or asking for help, which also makes them a little reluctant to help others unless absolutely necessary. They are territorial and highly value their own privacy. Rather than making it clear in a language everyone can understand, they tend to be more indirect and try to give off signals and create hints so that others will know not to invade their space or meddle with their things. If someone does this, however, they will react fairly directly and aggressively, contrary to their usual non-confrontational habits. There are those friends, however, with which they can coexist with more closely in peace, so long as everyone respects each others' possessions and needs for time alone. Martens tend to be fairly protective of their things and ideas, much more so than of people. Being secretive and wary of others preying upon their ideas, things and, possibly, even their feelings, martens are guarded individuals who keep their assets close and rarely feel the need to tell everyone about things happening in their lives.
EXCEPTION: It has been said of European martens and sables that males may offer some protection if a female is raising his young in a den within his own territory. Whether this is true of all martens is unknown, but it suggests that they can be sort of distantly protective of people they have invested a lot in, if it is convenient, at least.
Despite being territorial, martens don't necessarily stick to a place and are quite willing to adapt and move if it would favour them. They are generally quite adaptable, so long as their comfort zones are not violated. They are actually fairly active, if in some cases only intellectually, and it is only under extreme stress that they really shut down, regardless of how reclusive and passive they might look to an outsider.
♦ Adaptable
♦ Terrtorial and private
♦ Protective of things and ideas, not people
♦ Adaptable
♦ Terrtorial and private
♦ Protective of things and ideas, not people
Makes 1 serving
Mix in one (1) large bowl
5 heaping cups of weird hierarchy
-Cats are controlled by a weird sense of hierarchy. By definition, cats have hierarchy. Being domesticated their hierarchy gets weird. In a house of cats, the biggest and baddest cat won’t necessarily be on top. The way cats place people isn’t based on much logic. Cats are also acutely aware of where they are in a hierarchy and where others are.
Think of cat hierarchy as a ladder. There are those above you, those below you, and then you. The majority of people are below you, because let’s face it, you’re pretty cool. People above you might be there for reasons as dumb as they dress nice.
5 cups of curiosity
-Cats need to know what you’re up to. It’s not even that you have to extensively research everything; you just need to know what’s up. “What did so and so do? What?? Tell me!!” Is probably something people hear from you every day. Cats are just curious creatures. They like to know what’s going on around them.
5 cups of “I Come First” (easily purchased at your local super market)
-Let’s face it, you come first. No matter what, you’re gonna be looking out for number one over here. Cats are extremely loyal, this cannot be denied, but cats look out for themselves.
Stir together until well mixed. Add to it the following.
3 cups of loyalty
-Contrary to popular belief, cats are extremely loyal, at least loyal in a cat sort of way. You won’t see a cat helping the police hunt down criminals, but they’ve just got it jiving differently. A cat will stick by you while you’re hurting or whenever you need them. If they really love you, if you’re one of their people, they’re gonna stick like glue.
3 cups of dumb insecurities
-Cats are very insecure about the dumbest things. A cat will come off as extremely proud and sure of themselves, that’s what they want you to think. Inside though, cats are very insecure about things. They’ll parade around saying how hot they are, and then promptly ask you for reassurance. Cats need lots and lots of reassurance from their people that they’re still wanted and loved or else they may get in a funk and pull away.
3 cups of possessive/territorial
-Cats have their territory clearly marked, and lord help the person who messes with that. This is pretty cut and dry, cats are extremely territorial and get very upset when you get involved with what is theirs.
3 cups of passive aggressiveness and conflict avoidance
-Cats have their own well being first and foremost, they’re not aggressive creatures. A cat will never attack unless backed up against a wall or protecting their bzns. If you get a cat angry it’s going to store it away and passive aggressively let you know they’re pissed. They’ll also do what they can to keep from a fight breaking out. A cat doesn’t want to get hurt, and if a fight gets brought up a cat will turn tail and run.
2 cups of grudges
-Cats are champeen grudge holders. If you wrong a cat, don’t expect them to forget. Cats will mentally rack up who does what and save it away for later.
Blend together until even. Bake and frost liberally with:
3 good sized cups of pride
-Cats are full of themselves. Their ego is possibly the biggest part of them. Being embarrassed is possibly the worst thing that could happen to a cat. They need to be seen, and be looking good when that happens. Because of this cats are really picky about how they look and about how their stuff looks. There isn’t a cat soul alive who doesn’t make sure everything is perfect before they step out of the house. Clothes, hair, etc etc.
Depending on how long you bake this you’ll get different results. Here is what you can do.
Bake for an hour and a half
This result is a much more reserved cat. They prefer their company over others and recharge on their own time. Breeds that fall into this category are Russian blues, Siberian, nebelung and other breeds. Haku is a good member to ask about cats like this.
Bake for half an hour
This results in a much more out going cat. They recharge with people but also need their own time. Breeds like this are devon rex, peterbald, American curl and other breeds. Starr (me) is a good person to ask about these cats.
Bake for fifteen minutes
These are hybrid cats, wild cats that have been bred with domestic cats to create a new breed. Breeds like this are savannah cats, bengal cats, and chausies. Quinn is a good person to ask about these cats.
Disclaimer! Up thar is the basic things that make up a cat. The biggest things that really scream cat. If you are seriously considering cats I suggest looking at breeds and doing your own research. Use this as a guideline!
Mix in one (1) large bowl
5 heaping cups of weird hierarchy
-Cats are controlled by a weird sense of hierarchy. By definition, cats have hierarchy. Being domesticated their hierarchy gets weird. In a house of cats, the biggest and baddest cat won’t necessarily be on top. The way cats place people isn’t based on much logic. Cats are also acutely aware of where they are in a hierarchy and where others are.
Think of cat hierarchy as a ladder. There are those above you, those below you, and then you. The majority of people are below you, because let’s face it, you’re pretty cool. People above you might be there for reasons as dumb as they dress nice.
5 cups of curiosity
-Cats need to know what you’re up to. It’s not even that you have to extensively research everything; you just need to know what’s up. “What did so and so do? What?? Tell me!!” Is probably something people hear from you every day. Cats are just curious creatures. They like to know what’s going on around them.
5 cups of “I Come First” (easily purchased at your local super market)
-Let’s face it, you come first. No matter what, you’re gonna be looking out for number one over here. Cats are extremely loyal, this cannot be denied, but cats look out for themselves.
Stir together until well mixed. Add to it the following.
3 cups of loyalty
-Contrary to popular belief, cats are extremely loyal, at least loyal in a cat sort of way. You won’t see a cat helping the police hunt down criminals, but they’ve just got it jiving differently. A cat will stick by you while you’re hurting or whenever you need them. If they really love you, if you’re one of their people, they’re gonna stick like glue.
3 cups of dumb insecurities
-Cats are very insecure about the dumbest things. A cat will come off as extremely proud and sure of themselves, that’s what they want you to think. Inside though, cats are very insecure about things. They’ll parade around saying how hot they are, and then promptly ask you for reassurance. Cats need lots and lots of reassurance from their people that they’re still wanted and loved or else they may get in a funk and pull away.
3 cups of possessive/territorial
-Cats have their territory clearly marked, and lord help the person who messes with that. This is pretty cut and dry, cats are extremely territorial and get very upset when you get involved with what is theirs.
3 cups of passive aggressiveness and conflict avoidance
-Cats have their own well being first and foremost, they’re not aggressive creatures. A cat will never attack unless backed up against a wall or protecting their bzns. If you get a cat angry it’s going to store it away and passive aggressively let you know they’re pissed. They’ll also do what they can to keep from a fight breaking out. A cat doesn’t want to get hurt, and if a fight gets brought up a cat will turn tail and run.
2 cups of grudges
-Cats are champeen grudge holders. If you wrong a cat, don’t expect them to forget. Cats will mentally rack up who does what and save it away for later.
Blend together until even. Bake and frost liberally with:
3 good sized cups of pride
-Cats are full of themselves. Their ego is possibly the biggest part of them. Being embarrassed is possibly the worst thing that could happen to a cat. They need to be seen, and be looking good when that happens. Because of this cats are really picky about how they look and about how their stuff looks. There isn’t a cat soul alive who doesn’t make sure everything is perfect before they step out of the house. Clothes, hair, etc etc.
Depending on how long you bake this you’ll get different results. Here is what you can do.
Bake for an hour and a half
This result is a much more reserved cat. They prefer their company over others and recharge on their own time. Breeds that fall into this category are Russian blues, Siberian, nebelung and other breeds. Haku is a good member to ask about cats like this.
Bake for half an hour
This results in a much more out going cat. They recharge with people but also need their own time. Breeds like this are devon rex, peterbald, American curl and other breeds. Starr (me) is a good person to ask about these cats.
Bake for fifteen minutes
These are hybrid cats, wild cats that have been bred with domestic cats to create a new breed. Breeds like this are savannah cats, bengal cats, and chausies. Quinn is a good person to ask about these cats.
Disclaimer! Up thar is the basic things that make up a cat. The biggest things that really scream cat. If you are seriously considering cats I suggest looking at breeds and doing your own research. Use this as a guideline!
Gray Fox/ Urocyon
enneagram type: 5; probable Myers-Brigg Type: INTP; possible humour:
choleric; probable Hogwarts House: Slytherin or Ravenclaw]

An Urocyon (Urocyon is a gray fox-seperate from red or silver fox) soul is not the easiest person to understand or get along with. Distinctive but hidden, arrogant yet avoidant, they may have a reputation for being elusive, or for being aggressive, or just for being strange. For those in the know, they are instantly recognizable as fox-souls, though will be noticeably different from their red-coated relatives. It is almost impossible to mistake them for someone or something that they're not. Perhaps they're very physically different, or perhaps it's more of a mentality, but it's clear that they're something else. It's quite possible that this difference is what the Urocyon soul themself is known for. Still, they have an almost an uncanny ability to blend in or disappear if and when they want to.
Like for most fox-souls, hierarchy is a complex issue for Urocyons. Urocyon-souls see hierarchy and recognize it as something inherent that will never go away. An Urocyon soul sees a fixed hierarchy, sees their place within it, and thinks, “How can I use this and manipulate it to my advantage?” An Urocyon soul quite possibly could understand a hierarchical system better than most people. More specifically, an Urocyon soul will have their own personal hierarchy. They will rank everyone they know in a pyramid structure, the base being “most people/people I can ignore/unimportant people.” The next is “people with power/people I can tolerate/people I don't like but probably need in some way.” Next is “my close friends/family,” and, finally, at the top, is “me.” Though an Urocyon soul is, by nature, nervous and not confident (though they disguise it well), they will usually put themselves at the top of their own personal pyramid.
So, let's get this straight: an Urocyon soul is arrogant as anything. They're also loyal to a ridiculous degree. They might not show it—especially since they generally put themselves first and have a huge self-preservation instinct—but they are. If you're one of the people that have managed to rise to the top of an Urocyon's 'pyramid,' count yourself lucky—you have a friend who will always help you out when you really need it. Still, you're going to have to put up with a friend who will make fun of you and insult you along the way. Don't worry; that's how they show they care. If you're stuck somewhere at four a.m. and have nowhere else to turn to, your Urocyon friend will be there. If you stub your toe, they'll be the first one to tell you that you're an idiot.
An Urocyon soul will rarely be found in a leadership position. Usually, they will be in a spot close to the top, but not quite. They will want to be in a place that they can exert some control over the goings on, but not have the brunt of responsibility put upon them. They will want to be in a place where they can escape if something goes terribly wrong. An Urocyon soul will not want to be a 'follower' or a 'lackey'; they will not enjoy being told what to do in something that they find important. Sure, they can be lazy enough that a lower position would be easier, but if something that they really care about, they would want to be higher up in the chain of command. Furthermore, an Urocyon will always want to have their opinion heard, especially if it's something they're passionate or knowledgeable about.
Working in a group is not ideal, though. An Urocyon soul would prefer to work alone, mostly because they view others as not being up to the task, but also because their working strategy [i.e., procrastinating until the last minute, working in quick bursts of energy followed by long breaks, working out of order] will seem unorthodox or counterproductive to most. While you will never see an Urocyon soul finishing a paper a week before it's due, you will also rarely see them not turn one in or ask for an extension.
This is partially because an Urocyon soul is proud to a pretty ridiculous degree. Asking for help is often 'beneath' them, and, more often than not, they will think that they know better than whoever they would be asking. Furthermore, they hate to be wrong, more than anything. This will often get an Urocyon soul in trouble—perhaps it will lead to arguments that turn vicious, or will lead to them never asking for help, even if they truly need it. This stubbornness can be a double-edged sword, leading an Urocyon soul to sometimes step outside of their conflict-avoidant comfort zone and turn them aggressive and defensive, something they will often become in arguments. If an Urocyon thinks they are right, they won't stop until you agree with them. On that note, they are not the best at taking criticism, but, if it's presented in what they deem an 'intelligent' or well-thought-out manner, they will take it. Urocyon souls are also judgmental—and how.
Urocyons are more aggressive than their Vulpine cousins. Though they are naturally passive aggressive and conflict-avoidant, they will not hesitate to react aggressively if they feel they need to. They will probably have a temper that, most of the time, they keep bottled up. Very few people will ever see an Urocyon soul truly, uncontrollably angry, but it does come out occasionally. Their temper will often sneak out in the form of passive aggressive jibes to others.
Urocyon souls are most likely to become aggressive if you mess with their 'territory.' This 'territory' could be anything they consider theirs—a room, a possession, or even a person. If you do anything to an Urocyon's 'territory,' be warned, especially since they hold grudges like none other. Even if you forget what you've done, the offended Urocyon will not. If you purposefully spilled paint on them in Kindergarten, chances are they remember. And dislike you. [They are Urocyon. They do not forgive. They do not forget. Okay, they sometimes forgive. But they nevar 4get.]
As mentioned above, an Urocyon soul has a strange relationship with a hierarchical system, and also with authority. An Urocyon soul will never start a fight they don't think they can win—it's just not in their nature. Therefore, they will most likely follow what rules are already in place, usually with the mindset, “There will be more trouble for me if I don't obey.” Sometimes, however, they will flout rules, especially if it's something that they think they can get away with. An Urocyon soul will shoplift if they have and know they have the skill for it. They will occasionally talk back to authority figures if they think they can get away with it. It's a careful balance of arrogance and caution.
Like most fox souls, they're very cautious, sometimes to an unhealthy degree. It's very rare that an Urocyon soul will leap into something without due consideration. Usually they will have to psych themselves up for something big and 'dangerous.' Urocyon are paranoid and have a strong self-preservation instinct. They look out for themselves and for their own skin. They are not risk takers.
It's quite probable that an Urocyon soul will be creative. There's a certain, almost manic energy that comes with being an Urocyon soul that can often be channeled into creative pursuits.
Urocyon humor seems to be a mix of fox humor and jackal humor. An Urocyon soul will have a quick, biting wit that they can (and will) use against people for humorous affect. They will be able to make connections that most people can't see, so can supply an apt line for a situation in record time. They often see the humor in situations that most people can't, especially serious situations. They will probably be able to see the humor in anything, and will be able to find anything and everything funny, be it dark, offensive, or foul. An Urocyon soul is playful, and will probably see most of the things around them as pretty lulzy. And, yeah, there's a good chance that they'd use that phrase to describe how they see most things.
As much as they won't want to admit it, an Urocyon soul is very sensitive. They will try to hide it under layers of arrogance and distance, but an insult, if not meant in jest, will hurt them. They will probably try to laugh it off or pretend it didn't matter, but it will, and they'll remember it. An Urocyon soul hates to be embarrassed as well, and an embarrassing moment will effect them for a long time after it occurs. Emotions are often difficult for Urocyon souls to deal with; in fact, sometimes, they would prefer not to have them at all. Urocyons are nervous and paranoid, and, even if they don't show it, will take an emotional barb hard.
Put simply: Urocyons are liars. If it's between telling the truth and getting in trouble: they will lie. There isn't a second thought about it. They're good at it will not spare a second thought to doing it. Lying is just another way of getting what they want or need, and they will probably stop at nothing to get whatever it is. Manipulating is what they do. Still, it can be said that they have a very strong honor code. While it's probable that they will break their own code, they still have it, and that's what matters, right? As said above, it's really only the little things that they will bend rules and manipulate to achieve. They will manipulate their friends and family, see many relationships or interactions as akin to strategic meetings regarding a larger battleground, but, when it comes down to the wire, they will probably have one or two people that they are loyal to and won't manipulate or lie to. Okay, will manipulate and lie to less.
An Urocyon soul won't be known as the most compassionate person, except in a few rare cases. They will be known as emotionally distant, sometimes entirely flummoxed by other people's emotional reactions. They are not empathetic people. Still, they will help another person, usually a person close to them, if that person needs it.
Going with that, most of the time they will hide their true emotions or how much they feel them. If they're happy, you'll probably know it, but it's rare that they will express a bad mood such as anger or sadness. Chances are, they'll will consider expressing how they really feel to be a moment of weakness. It is rare you will see an Urocyon soul cry in public, and talking about major emotional things will be difficult for them. They would rather put on a fake smile and pretend to be okay than admitting they are truly hurt by anything. It is possible that emotions will seep out in other ways—a passive aggressive post on the internet, seeming angry with small things, telling someone not directly involved with whatever it is that's bothering—but it's rare that they will confront whatever is bothering them emotionally head on. When faced with something they don't like to deal with, Urocyon souls like to turn tail and run in the other direction.
Being intelligent—or at least seeming intelligent will be of utmost concern for an Urocyon soul. They will want to seem well-read, book smart, and informed about goings on in the world. If a subject which they do not know 'enough' about comes up, they will stay silent through the conversation and make a note to read about it later. Wikipedia is their bffl. Their curiosity knows no bounds, as is their desire to know everything. It's unlikely that they will have one real area of expertise, and their interests are diverse and often unexpected. They're a French major with a Biology minor. They're a book nerd who—oh hey, also loves computers and coding. They are the very definition of autodidactism.
Urocyon souls have an obsessive nature, and will almost always have something that is their current 'thing' that they're focused on. While they will have major things that they always love, they will have something that they are currently obsessed over. Perhaps it's a song they play over and over again, or a game that they want to play all the time, or an interest in some topic. Just as quick as this obsession begins, it will stop. Although they will still enjoy whatever it is, it will fade to the background and something new will probably take over. This can translate into bursts of productivity on a project that will eventually peter out. [Currently, for me, it's this analysis XD.]
An Urocyon soul will probably be a night person, being most active in the evening on. In a perfect world, the day wouldn't begin for them until one or two in the afternoon.
They are generally pessimistic.
An Urocyon soul will probably dress to blend in. Their wardrobe will be mostly black, white, grays, dark blues, etc. They will probably be well-dressed, however. They like to take care of themselves most of the time and look 'presentable.' It is rare that they will want to look fashionable, but they will want to look good and put together.
Conversely, their space will be a mess. Urocyons are hoarders. Their room will be chaotic, There will probably some method to the madness, though, and they will be able to find most things in their room...most of the time. No matter the state of their 'lair,' there will be stuff everywhere. They hate to get rid of anything that they think will be important and are huge pack-rats.
Urocyon souls do not like change. When they get accustomed to a situation, they do not want it changed in any way. New people, new place to live...it will take ages for them to get used to something new and different.
By Jules from The Daemon Forum/TDF
General Domestic Dog Analyses
General Domestic Dog Analyses
- You are extremely devoted to your friends and to those you love
- You are a great companion
- You love the outdoors
- You are very social
- You are very focused
Sight Hounds
- Very flexible, elegant, athletic, and swift
- You love to run
- You may depend greatly on your eye sight
- You tend to look at things from a broader view and tend not to bother with details. However, if you see something of interest, than you will quickly zoom in to investigate
- You are very keen and tend to notice things that others overlook
- You do not need very much exercise because although you have plenty of energy, you let it out in great bursts when given the opportunity
- Very good stamina but if you are doing anything at full speed, you tend to tire quickly
- you are active and social and need others to be happy
- You can be very protective
- Although you enjoy pleasing others, you do not like to be ordered around
- You get bored easily
- You can be stubborn
- Sometimes, if you do not see purpose in an activity, you will tease whoever is trying to make you do something.
- You have to do activities that have a purpose. You won’t do something that doesn’t make sense.
- You are quick to learn, but you hate repetition
- If you are bored, you will quickly loose your concentration
- you are very intelligent and a quick thinker
- You are an independent spirit
- As a child, you might have been “wild and crazy” and enjoyed trying your caretaker’s patience
- As you mature, however, you grow into a quiet, calm, composed, and peace-loving dog
- You can be very much a couch potato
- you are loving and have a certain charm about you
- You like to lie around and just keep an eye on things
-need to see something to believe it
- trust only your own, empirical judgements
- like to experience something before you form an opinion
- base your opinions of people/things on what you observe, not what you're told
- You need to see before you believe
-Open minded
Scent Hounds
-Very good senses
- You may have a deep, booming voice.
- You are very vocal, especially when active and having fun
- You may have a bit of a drooling problem…
- You are not notably fast, but you have excellent endurance
- You will never give up. Through hell or high water, your determination will not waver
- Some may find it difficult to keep up with you
- You can be very fierce
- For the most part, however, you are very gentle and laid back
Sporting (Pointers, Retriever, Spaniels, Setters)
- naturally active and alert to your surroundings
- You are likable and well-rounded
- You love water and tend to enjoy outdoor activities
- Need regular exercise in order to be happy
- You are very energetic and versatile
- You are very responsive
- Very intelligent
- You also need to be mentally exercised in order to be happy
- You have a distinctive personality
- You don’t back down from a challenge
- you are very feisty and energetic
- You are not very tolerant and sometimes have troubles getting along with others
- You are always eager for a good, spirited argument
- You’re distinctive appearance may be difficult to maintain
- You have an engaging personality
- People have to be determined to keep up with your lively character if they want to be your friend.
- You may be a bit destructive, but you aren’t really aware of this
- You have a strong spirit
- You may be a bit aggressive
- You stick to your guns to the bitter end
(because the non-sporting group was made up of dogs that fit into no other category, it is very difficult to make any generalizations about a group that has no common ancestry or traits. Instead, I will put down some basic traits to several major breeds in this group)
-You are very good with children
- you are equable, resolute, and dignified
- You have a lovable and gentle disposition
- Many consider you adorable, while others think the opposite
- You are very agreeable
- You may dream of being courageous and fierce
- You are gentle and protective
- You enjoy cooler climates and you don’t require much exercise
- active and alert
- You have great speed, endurance, and intelligence
- A natural follower
- You have many different talent, some you may not even know of yet
- you are fun loving, social, and a very family-oriented soul
- you are active and high-energy and you need plenty of exercise to be happy
- smart, active, and obedient
- some may think you are stupid and prissy but you are quite the opposite. Others just have to get past stereotypes and find out the true you
- You may be falsely judged
- You may be very physically beautiful and attractive
- You love the water
- You appearance is rather hard to maintain
- You are proud and you may even find yourself being a bit vain
- You require a lot of exercise to be happy
- You love doing what you were born to do
- You are an invaluable partner in your chosen area
- You can be a bit protective
- Quick to learn
- Intelligent
- Capable
- You may not be suited for normal family life
- You are never happier than if you are working
- You have a willingness to learn and to help others
-You can often control others through various means
- can control those much bigger than you simply through physical gestures or hard stares
- You may feel the need to group thing, whether it be items, people, or children
- You are gentle to those you are about
- You are incredibly active
- You are incredibly intelligent
- You are an excellent companion
- You pick up new concepts very easily.
- You prefer to be in control of things
- Although you love to be the leader, you would be more than happy to be the “power behind the throne”
-You are cooperative with others
- However you use your own judgment and initiative over the judgment of others.
- Although you are gentle, you are firm and will not back down. You have to show others that you are not one to mess with.
- You simply do not get intimidated. Though you can greatly intimidate others.
- You look small and underwhelming, but your looks can be deceiving
- You tend to be as tough as nails
- You tend to provoke delight and joy in others
- You have a winsome expression
- You tend to be very vocal
- You can comfortably live almost anywhere, even in the smallest apartment
- You are spunky
- You are all bark, and if necessary you can do some bite too
- It is a shocking surprise for anyone who thinks that you are puny or weak
- you are often associated with another person who is similar to you.
- You do not like being in the shadow of someone else’s success, especially if you deserve more credit than you receive.
by Catie from The Daemon Forum/TDF
- You are extremely devoted to your friends and to those you love
- You are a great companion
- You love the outdoors
- You are very social
- You are very focused
Sight Hounds
- Very flexible, elegant, athletic, and swift
- You love to run
- You may depend greatly on your eye sight
- You tend to look at things from a broader view and tend not to bother with details. However, if you see something of interest, than you will quickly zoom in to investigate
- You are very keen and tend to notice things that others overlook
- You do not need very much exercise because although you have plenty of energy, you let it out in great bursts when given the opportunity
- Very good stamina but if you are doing anything at full speed, you tend to tire quickly
- you are active and social and need others to be happy
- You can be very protective
- Although you enjoy pleasing others, you do not like to be ordered around
- You get bored easily
- You can be stubborn
- Sometimes, if you do not see purpose in an activity, you will tease whoever is trying to make you do something.
- You have to do activities that have a purpose. You won’t do something that doesn’t make sense.
- You are quick to learn, but you hate repetition
- If you are bored, you will quickly loose your concentration
- you are very intelligent and a quick thinker
- You are an independent spirit
- As a child, you might have been “wild and crazy” and enjoyed trying your caretaker’s patience
- As you mature, however, you grow into a quiet, calm, composed, and peace-loving dog
- You can be very much a couch potato
- you are loving and have a certain charm about you
- You like to lie around and just keep an eye on things
-need to see something to believe it
- trust only your own, empirical judgements
- like to experience something before you form an opinion
- base your opinions of people/things on what you observe, not what you're told
- You need to see before you believe
-Open minded
Scent Hounds
-Very good senses
- You may have a deep, booming voice.
- You are very vocal, especially when active and having fun
- You may have a bit of a drooling problem…
- You are not notably fast, but you have excellent endurance
- You will never give up. Through hell or high water, your determination will not waver
- Some may find it difficult to keep up with you
- You can be very fierce
- For the most part, however, you are very gentle and laid back
Sporting (Pointers, Retriever, Spaniels, Setters)
- naturally active and alert to your surroundings
- You are likable and well-rounded
- You love water and tend to enjoy outdoor activities
- Need regular exercise in order to be happy
- You are very energetic and versatile
- You are very responsive
- Very intelligent
- You also need to be mentally exercised in order to be happy
- You have a distinctive personality
- You don’t back down from a challenge
- you are very feisty and energetic
- You are not very tolerant and sometimes have troubles getting along with others
- You are always eager for a good, spirited argument
- You’re distinctive appearance may be difficult to maintain
- You have an engaging personality
- People have to be determined to keep up with your lively character if they want to be your friend.
- You may be a bit destructive, but you aren’t really aware of this
- You have a strong spirit
- You may be a bit aggressive
- You stick to your guns to the bitter end
(because the non-sporting group was made up of dogs that fit into no other category, it is very difficult to make any generalizations about a group that has no common ancestry or traits. Instead, I will put down some basic traits to several major breeds in this group)
-You are very good with children
- you are equable, resolute, and dignified
- You have a lovable and gentle disposition
- Many consider you adorable, while others think the opposite
- You are very agreeable
- You may dream of being courageous and fierce
- You are gentle and protective
- You enjoy cooler climates and you don’t require much exercise
- active and alert
- You have great speed, endurance, and intelligence
- A natural follower
- You have many different talent, some you may not even know of yet
- you are fun loving, social, and a very family-oriented soul
- you are active and high-energy and you need plenty of exercise to be happy
- smart, active, and obedient
- some may think you are stupid and prissy but you are quite the opposite. Others just have to get past stereotypes and find out the true you
- You may be falsely judged
- You may be very physically beautiful and attractive
- You love the water
- You appearance is rather hard to maintain
- You are proud and you may even find yourself being a bit vain
- You require a lot of exercise to be happy
- You love doing what you were born to do
- You are an invaluable partner in your chosen area
- You can be a bit protective
- Quick to learn
- Intelligent
- Capable
- You may not be suited for normal family life
- You are never happier than if you are working
- You have a willingness to learn and to help others
-You can often control others through various means
- can control those much bigger than you simply through physical gestures or hard stares
- You may feel the need to group thing, whether it be items, people, or children
- You are gentle to those you are about
- You are incredibly active
- You are incredibly intelligent
- You are an excellent companion
- You pick up new concepts very easily.
- You prefer to be in control of things
- Although you love to be the leader, you would be more than happy to be the “power behind the throne”
-You are cooperative with others
- However you use your own judgment and initiative over the judgment of others.
- Although you are gentle, you are firm and will not back down. You have to show others that you are not one to mess with.
- You simply do not get intimidated. Though you can greatly intimidate others.
- You look small and underwhelming, but your looks can be deceiving
- You tend to be as tough as nails
- You tend to provoke delight and joy in others
- You have a winsome expression
- You tend to be very vocal
- You can comfortably live almost anywhere, even in the smallest apartment
- You are spunky
- You are all bark, and if necessary you can do some bite too
- It is a shocking surprise for anyone who thinks that you are puny or weak
- you are often associated with another person who is similar to you.
- You do not like being in the shadow of someone else’s success, especially if you deserve more credit than you receive.
by Catie from The Daemon Forum/TDF
Wolf Soul Personality
*See notes on species and subspecies at the bottom*
N00b Warning: Canis lupus is a well-known and popular animal; attractive and easy to relate to. Understandably, many who are new to spirit animals and form-finding will erroneously gravitate to this canine, not quite comprehending the finer points of form analysis. For this reason, members of TDF will be on prospective wolves like the TSA on a man wearing a turban. Please help us with our paranoia by taking a look at the following checklist before declaring settledom as a wolf.
N00b Checklist
If you are not:
1.) Social
2.) Hierarchical
3.) Territorial
4.) Somewhat extroverted
5.) Not a loner
6.) Loyal
7.) Assertive
8.) Dominant a leader
9.) Respectful
10.) Social
You are not a wolf if you could not check yes in any of these. Look elsewhere; wolves are not the best fit for you.
- - -
If you can check yes to all above points, please continue
[ Hierarchy ]
How strict do you need the pecking order? Where are you in the ranks? What do you require of a leader?
You have a very strong sense of hierarchy and many of your social interactions are driven by the way you fit into your internal rankings. When you first meet someone or enter into a new group of people, you immediately feel out the dynamics of the group as the way you act around them depends on where you stand in their pecking order. When coming into a new group, you usually act submissive in an extreme gesture of respect, although this often changes the more comfortable you become. You have the potential to be a good leader, and you are happy to find yourself on top. (Its just as well, because you have the tendency to be bossy and a little controlling, so you often find yourself better suited to leadership positions anyway.) In any case, you usually find yourself in the upper ranks of the system; if not giving the orders yourself, then as an assistant or consultant to those in charge.
Maintaining proper structure in the hierarchy is very important to you. The people you see as beneath you are not to be disdained, but they are supposed to be respectful. Likewise, you are very courteous to those you accept as a leader. For you to accept someone as a leader, you have to respect them anyhow. Respect is a must. You dont have time for people who are overly volatile, cruel, or those who abuse their power. You will find some way to challenge a teacher or boss if you have no respect for them. If you do value the person in charge, you will do all you can to please them. To be clear, the people in charge arent better than you. Its not about being servile at all; its how you show you value someone almost a morality thing. You are a loyal and powerful ally when someone has your support.
You look at those who talk back to good authority as somewhat pathetic and horribly disrespectful. If someone steps out of line around you, you wont hesitate to carefully put them in their proper place. If someone new enters your friend group or if a new employee is hired to work alongside you, they are automatically below you and must act accordingly. In all honesty, you wouldnt say no to a bit of groveling. Blatant disrespect is one of your biggest annoyances, and you can be vicious when people arent in their place.
[ Sociability ]
How social are you? What types of people are in your social circle? Are you close to your family or do you consider your friends more family than actual blood relatives? What would you do for these people?
Theres no getting around it; you are social. You need to spend time with your people or youll feel lonely, bored, and anxious. The idea of your people is important to note. You are a family person, whether that family is comprised of actual relatives or a close-nit bunch of friends. You love feeling like you are part of a cohesive group, where everyone trusts and works well with each other. The feeling of belonging and even depending on people that you love is something that you value more than almost anything in the world.
For this reason, you arent the type to form many casual acquaintances. Though open and friendly around those you call friends, you can be very withdrawn and untrusting with those you dont know. You are a tad cliquish and might even be hostile towards newcomers hanging around your posse. They are put to the test, and if they arent properly respectful to the already established bonds between your friends, youre likely to passively-aggressively drive them away.
That being said, you really are a friendly person deep down. If someone gets past your initial aloofness, they find you rather warm and welcoming. Its not that you dont like making new friends; its just that when you already have some, you fall into the trap of feeling that you have no need for more. When you find yourself in a situation where you arent surrounded by your people, you are happy to get to know others and people find you very likeable.
Like anyone else, you do need some alone time. Often times, you find that you are able to recharge well enough if you can do something on your own while still hanging around your people, but going off alone is definitely necessary sometimes as well.
[ Compassion ]
Are you the caretaker in the group? How strong is your need to care for others? Do other people come to you with their problems? What lengths would you go to help someone? Do you help others before you help yourself?
You are a caretaker of sorts. Youll be the first to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on when someone in your group is hurting. As mentioned, you will do almost anything for the people that you love. You pride yourself on your willingness to make them happy, and much of sense of self-worth is based on how well you do just that. Even those outside your group will receive a helping hand from you if they need it. You are a sucker for the poor kid who blanks when the teacher asks him a question, and youll risk getting told off to whisper the answer to him. Some might be surprised at your willingness to reach out to strangers when you usually keep to yourself and your friends. You arent entirely selfless though you can be a slightly greedy and possessive, especially when you feel that it wont really hurt anyone to withhold what you have.
You are patient and generally gentle with people under your authority. Not the type to abuse power at all, you can be a little rough at times but always very supportive. Still, you are sometimes exasperated at those you cant help themselves at all, and value those with drive and independence.
When overly stressed or unhealthy, you can be a bit of a bully to those you feel rank lower than you. You stop doting on them as much, and become more selfish, even arrogant in an unhealthy way. You attach yourself more fiercely to your closest friend(s) and ignore all others. You become withdrawn, cold, unfriendly, and lash out at even your loved ones, all the while feeling guilty for your behavior.
[ Expressiveness and Humor ]
Do you wear your heart on your sleeve or does it take someone a lot of delving to find out if something is really bothering you? How do you handle your emotions? How are you angry, sad, frustrated, happy, etc?
Around those you feel close to, you are very communicative and open. In truth, you dont try to share your emotions with everyone, but your friends can tell immediately when you are angry or sad because you become unusually quiet, grumpy, or aloof. Likewise, when you are happy, everybody can tell by your chatty, goofy attitude. Although your friends can read you well, you like to keep your emotions under control. You hate it when people are impulsive and lash out, and you value stability and containment of negative feelings. Sometimes, you are more willing to help others with them problems than share yours, convinced that you can handle it on your own. That being said, when things are really bothering you, you will turn to your friends for help. Although a very independent person in most aspects of life, deep down you rely on your people for support. Even just spending time with them can make you feel better, and you actually love that you can trust people enough to depend on them.
Your sense of humor is fairly dark and dry, even sarcastic (although not quite on the same level as jackals or foxes). You certainly have a sharp wit and enjoy world play and clever jokes.
[ Aggression ]
Passive or Aggressive? How? When?
Conflict should be avoided if at all feasible. You do not like getting into fights; you dont even like it when people fight around you. In general, you do your best to keep the peace (even if it means stepping into conflicts that dont directly involve you) yet usually you stay as far away from conflict as possible. You are by no means a pushover, however. Often times, keeping the peace means firmly letting a friend know that they are stepping out of line, and that they need to tone it down a bit. In general, you are very good at keeping your temper, and people respect you for that.
When someone really starts to bug you, passive-aggressiveness is the way you show your teeth. You give warning with snide comments or frosty glares here and there. If you feel that your aggressor is below you, you might pick on that person or snap at them more often. If they still wont back down after plenty of warning, you can turn cruel and downright mean. Characteristically of most canines, even your loss of temper is fairly calculated and controlled. You know how to hit where it hurts so that your opponent is reeling and you live to fight another day. Still, like any wild canine, you can be a little rough around the edges and sometimes let of steam with little grumbles and snaps here and there. your jokes may have an extra bite or your advice might be a little curt when you are in a bad mood.
Although complete loss of temper is a rare sight, there are two ways to guarantee that itll happen; someone encroaching on your territory and someone trying to hurt the people you love. You are unabashedly protective of both people and things. Its likely that your friends will think twice before stealing your french fries. Similarly, you will stand up against any adversary when your friends are involved. There are no limits when it comes to their safety and happiness.
[ Sensitivity ]
If someone says something mean about you, are you able to let it just slide off? Does it bother you and you keep silent or do you react to it and confront the person? What does it take for a comment to bother you?
You are a pretty tough cookie, when all is said and done. You have an admirable ability to keep going strong, even when stressed. You possess great stamina and endurance; you dont give it all you have at once, so you protect yourself from burning out. You arent the type to let rumors or gossip bother you, and insensitive or harsh comments rarely get through your thick skin. Well insulated from most attacks, you face confrontation with a slightly cocky smile on your face and a few sarcastic quips. Like any wild canine, you are sure of yourself, especially with friends at your side. With back up, there isnt much that can get you down.
Attacks from loved ones, however, are much more damaging. You treasure your loved ones more than anything, and knowing that youve disappointed them or that theyre angry at you can be crippling. If they are really angry, you do your best to appease them or talk it out, no matter how awkward, and almost never act aggressively towards them.
Along with conflicts with friends, large, sudden, or continuous change can knock you off your feet. You are a pretty adaptable person, but too much change stresses you out more than others because of the value you place on habits and traditions.
[ Honesty and Values ]
How important is the truth to you? How often do you lie? Would you rather tell a little lie to protect a friend or are you the type to be brutally honest? What sort of things do you value?
Like any social wild canine, you are quite capable of manipulation and lies and not too hesitant to employ such methods. You are excellent at social games; flattering, soothing, and charming the right people with ease. You dont really consider lying immoral. Its just another way to get by. With friends, however, you tend towards bluntness. It can seem a little harsh at times, but your friends will learn you arent being malicious. In fact, they should take it as a sign of trust. You are only that open around those with whom you are comfortable.
You value love, loyalty, and family above all else. You devote yourself to the ones you love, and put a lot of time and energy into maintaining those bonds. You definitely have a monogamous mindset. Respect, emotional control, perseverance, helpfulness, and dedication are also important values in your world.
[ Work Ethic ]
Do you like to work? What drives you? Do you do better in groups or alone? What would you consider your procrastination level?
You are generally a good worker, persistent and controlled. You are dogged in pursuit of a goal and posses a great stamina when getting things done. You arent really the type to procrastinate, although when overly stressed you tend to fall into that habit more often. In general, you are more comfortable with worrying away bits and pieces of that essay every day until its done.
You excel at teamwork since you are a natural diplomat. Understanding and utilizing the needs and capabilities of each team member is easy for you. You love it when you can get a group together to work collectively towards one goal. As a naturally assertive and somewhat controlling person, you like to be in charge or at least in second commandof the team. If things get too chaotic, or if people simply wont listen to you at all, you prefer to strike out on your own. You hate working in a group that doesnt function well. Certainly you are capable of handling tasks by yourself, and sometimes it is just easier that way. [If you have a male daemon, you will be more likely to strike out on your own when you dont fit in well with the group.] When it comes to large and stressful projects, though, division of labor between competent group members is always preferable to struggling through it alone.
[ Problem-Solving and Decision-Making ]
How do you tackle problems? Are you a heart-over-head kind of person, or do you tend to make choices from a logical and objective standpoint? Does it change when you're under pressure or put in the spotlight?
You are a strategizer, like many predators, and pay careful attention to each individual problem to find out how to deal with it. You look for different solutions and attack things from different angles, always careful to avoid falling into a rut. When compared to other wild canines, however, you are more likely to apply brute strength to power through difficult tasks rather than wasting too much time on other approaches. For these reasons, you are rarely thought to be lazy. In actuality, you do share the laid-back, relaxed approach to problems that many other wild canines exhibit; you are just more organized about it. You never spend all your energy on one task.
Of course, you arent above a few shortcuts here and there. If you are clever enough to find the homework solutions online, then, well, youre clever enough to deserve full credit for the answers. You are an omnivore-and-sometimes-scavenger soul, so you are always on the lookout for opportunities. It is the rational, and easy, path to follow. This might also mean that you have a variety of interests that you spend your time on. Some of those interests might be fleeting, but you have a strong sense of curiosity that means you chase the subject until its nearly exhausted. This natural sense of curiosity often drives your passions (you are probably known for it), and you like to stick your nose into everything.
Your decisions come from the border between your head and heart. You are a planner, a strategizer, and you pride yourself in your ability to remain calm, collected, and diplomatic under pressure. On the other hand, your attachment to your people can sometimes overrule your better judgment. (Sometimes your soft-spot for the helpless gets in the way too). All these factors play into your decisions, making it difficult to classify you as a thinker or a feeler.
[ Spontaneity and Caution ]
Do you do things on a whim or do you like to plan in advance? Are you usually the one making said plans or do you wait for someone else to do it first? Do you usually think of the consequences first or do you act before you think?
You are wary and careful, rarely making snap decisions or sudden leaps in judgment. As mentioned before, you prefer to strategize and make sure all the facts are in before you make a decision, and you arent a big risk taker. You like everyone to be on the same page. As far as plans go, you arent totally rigid but more go-with-the-flow, modifying and adapting your strategy as new events occur. You usually have a back-up plan and are confident when it comes to thinking on your feet, so small changes dont throw you off too much. Part of your adeptness at being a team player and a leader comes from your ability to be one step ahead of the problem and adapt to things as they come at you.
Depending on how you fit into the group, you are happy to either suggest plans or follow them out. You often find yourself being the one to decide which movie your friends will see and organizing the carpool. People naturally look for you for suggestions. You are also happy to lend your support to a competent leader, and sometimes enjoy helping things along without all the responsibility of being in charge. [If you have a male daemon, you might be more willing to let others take charge, while those with female daemons tend to be more controlling.]
[ Reputation ]
Does your reputation precede you? Is it good or bad? What do others tend to think about you? Are you the type that rumors follow or do you blend into the background?
True to your wolfish nature, your reputation can be rather varied. Around your friends, you are open, chatty, playful, and affectionate. You come off as extroverted and confident with a rather wicked sense of humor. When not around friends or an environment you are comfortable in, you might seem reserved, serious, aloof, and maybe even slightly hostile. Again, you dont mean to be, but it can be hard to open up around those you dont know unless they make the proper effort. Some might think of you as a teachers pet, or, conversely, a little too bossy, and people who really get on your bad side will think of you as aggressive and cruel.
Understandably, you give off mixed messages; you might be seen as a little intimidating or odd by some, or welcoming and friendly by others. Those who know your true nature generally find you helpful, loyal, tactful, and respectable.
Wolf taxonomy is a subject often under debate. As of now, there are approximately 39 subspecies of wolves thought to exist, including domestic dogs and dingos, and about 4 that might be separate species. As you might have guessed, many of these species and subspecies vary little, if at all, on the behavioral level (at least, on the level that we analyze to). What this means is that finding an obscure subspecies does not mean you can ignore most of the traits on this analysis, not does it mean that every subspecies needs its own separate analysis. Many of these subspecies vary in habitat, diet, and physical characteristics, which are traits that can be discussed in This, That, or the Difference, Yellow Warbler, or Quick Interpretations. When it all comes down to it, whether you settled as a Tundra wolf or an Alaskan Tundra wolf may just be personal preference.
There are, however, a few overreaching differences between subspecies in different regions of the world. Remember that these are only rough generalizations, and more research should be done on individual species.
Northern wolves (those living in North America, Europe, and northern Asia) tend to be more robust and look and act like the typical gray wolf. North American and European wolves were thought to have evolved around the same time. In general, they might be more thickly furred and indifferent to insult.
Southern wolves (those hailing from the Arabian Peninsula/South Asia) are thought to be older and are more primitive in behavior and appearance. They are more similar in behavior to jackals, with whom they often share territory. They tend to have shorter fur and weaker teeth given that they live in warm climates and dont rely as much on large game. Their pack structures arent quite as large or rigid as those of North American or European wolves. They often hunt alone or in pairs, rather than as a larger group. Overall, southern wolves would be rougher, slightly more volatile, and a teeny bit less people-oriented than their North American or European counterparts.
Red wolves [canis (lupus) rufus] are sometimes considered a separate species, sometimes a subspecies, and sometimes a hybrid between wolves and coyotes. In fact, they have several coyote-like behavioral traits, and are perhaps more like coyotes in hunting technique than other North American wolves. There are reports that they are more likely to hunt alone or in pairs (like coyotes or other primitive canines) than in larger cooperative groups. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information about the behavior of these animals, so nothing can be said with 100% certainty about these traits.
This is a pretty good site to help sift through wolf taxonomy.
If wolves still arent quite right, check out this wonderful analysis for wolf-alternatives.
written by-
JKate from the daemon forum/TDF
*See notes on species and subspecies at the bottom*
N00b Warning: Canis lupus is a well-known and popular animal; attractive and easy to relate to. Understandably, many who are new to spirit animals and form-finding will erroneously gravitate to this canine, not quite comprehending the finer points of form analysis. For this reason, members of TDF will be on prospective wolves like the TSA on a man wearing a turban. Please help us with our paranoia by taking a look at the following checklist before declaring settledom as a wolf.
N00b Checklist
If you are not:
1.) Social
2.) Hierarchical
3.) Territorial
4.) Somewhat extroverted
5.) Not a loner
6.) Loyal
7.) Assertive
8.) Dominant a leader
9.) Respectful
10.) Social
You are not a wolf if you could not check yes in any of these. Look elsewhere; wolves are not the best fit for you.
- - -
If you can check yes to all above points, please continue
[ Hierarchy ]
How strict do you need the pecking order? Where are you in the ranks? What do you require of a leader?
You have a very strong sense of hierarchy and many of your social interactions are driven by the way you fit into your internal rankings. When you first meet someone or enter into a new group of people, you immediately feel out the dynamics of the group as the way you act around them depends on where you stand in their pecking order. When coming into a new group, you usually act submissive in an extreme gesture of respect, although this often changes the more comfortable you become. You have the potential to be a good leader, and you are happy to find yourself on top. (Its just as well, because you have the tendency to be bossy and a little controlling, so you often find yourself better suited to leadership positions anyway.) In any case, you usually find yourself in the upper ranks of the system; if not giving the orders yourself, then as an assistant or consultant to those in charge.
Maintaining proper structure in the hierarchy is very important to you. The people you see as beneath you are not to be disdained, but they are supposed to be respectful. Likewise, you are very courteous to those you accept as a leader. For you to accept someone as a leader, you have to respect them anyhow. Respect is a must. You dont have time for people who are overly volatile, cruel, or those who abuse their power. You will find some way to challenge a teacher or boss if you have no respect for them. If you do value the person in charge, you will do all you can to please them. To be clear, the people in charge arent better than you. Its not about being servile at all; its how you show you value someone almost a morality thing. You are a loyal and powerful ally when someone has your support.
You look at those who talk back to good authority as somewhat pathetic and horribly disrespectful. If someone steps out of line around you, you wont hesitate to carefully put them in their proper place. If someone new enters your friend group or if a new employee is hired to work alongside you, they are automatically below you and must act accordingly. In all honesty, you wouldnt say no to a bit of groveling. Blatant disrespect is one of your biggest annoyances, and you can be vicious when people arent in their place.
[ Sociability ]
How social are you? What types of people are in your social circle? Are you close to your family or do you consider your friends more family than actual blood relatives? What would you do for these people?
Theres no getting around it; you are social. You need to spend time with your people or youll feel lonely, bored, and anxious. The idea of your people is important to note. You are a family person, whether that family is comprised of actual relatives or a close-nit bunch of friends. You love feeling like you are part of a cohesive group, where everyone trusts and works well with each other. The feeling of belonging and even depending on people that you love is something that you value more than almost anything in the world.
For this reason, you arent the type to form many casual acquaintances. Though open and friendly around those you call friends, you can be very withdrawn and untrusting with those you dont know. You are a tad cliquish and might even be hostile towards newcomers hanging around your posse. They are put to the test, and if they arent properly respectful to the already established bonds between your friends, youre likely to passively-aggressively drive them away.
That being said, you really are a friendly person deep down. If someone gets past your initial aloofness, they find you rather warm and welcoming. Its not that you dont like making new friends; its just that when you already have some, you fall into the trap of feeling that you have no need for more. When you find yourself in a situation where you arent surrounded by your people, you are happy to get to know others and people find you very likeable.
Like anyone else, you do need some alone time. Often times, you find that you are able to recharge well enough if you can do something on your own while still hanging around your people, but going off alone is definitely necessary sometimes as well.
[ Compassion ]
Are you the caretaker in the group? How strong is your need to care for others? Do other people come to you with their problems? What lengths would you go to help someone? Do you help others before you help yourself?
You are a caretaker of sorts. Youll be the first to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on when someone in your group is hurting. As mentioned, you will do almost anything for the people that you love. You pride yourself on your willingness to make them happy, and much of sense of self-worth is based on how well you do just that. Even those outside your group will receive a helping hand from you if they need it. You are a sucker for the poor kid who blanks when the teacher asks him a question, and youll risk getting told off to whisper the answer to him. Some might be surprised at your willingness to reach out to strangers when you usually keep to yourself and your friends. You arent entirely selfless though you can be a slightly greedy and possessive, especially when you feel that it wont really hurt anyone to withhold what you have.
You are patient and generally gentle with people under your authority. Not the type to abuse power at all, you can be a little rough at times but always very supportive. Still, you are sometimes exasperated at those you cant help themselves at all, and value those with drive and independence.
When overly stressed or unhealthy, you can be a bit of a bully to those you feel rank lower than you. You stop doting on them as much, and become more selfish, even arrogant in an unhealthy way. You attach yourself more fiercely to your closest friend(s) and ignore all others. You become withdrawn, cold, unfriendly, and lash out at even your loved ones, all the while feeling guilty for your behavior.
[ Expressiveness and Humor ]
Do you wear your heart on your sleeve or does it take someone a lot of delving to find out if something is really bothering you? How do you handle your emotions? How are you angry, sad, frustrated, happy, etc?
Around those you feel close to, you are very communicative and open. In truth, you dont try to share your emotions with everyone, but your friends can tell immediately when you are angry or sad because you become unusually quiet, grumpy, or aloof. Likewise, when you are happy, everybody can tell by your chatty, goofy attitude. Although your friends can read you well, you like to keep your emotions under control. You hate it when people are impulsive and lash out, and you value stability and containment of negative feelings. Sometimes, you are more willing to help others with them problems than share yours, convinced that you can handle it on your own. That being said, when things are really bothering you, you will turn to your friends for help. Although a very independent person in most aspects of life, deep down you rely on your people for support. Even just spending time with them can make you feel better, and you actually love that you can trust people enough to depend on them.
Your sense of humor is fairly dark and dry, even sarcastic (although not quite on the same level as jackals or foxes). You certainly have a sharp wit and enjoy world play and clever jokes.
[ Aggression ]
Passive or Aggressive? How? When?
Conflict should be avoided if at all feasible. You do not like getting into fights; you dont even like it when people fight around you. In general, you do your best to keep the peace (even if it means stepping into conflicts that dont directly involve you) yet usually you stay as far away from conflict as possible. You are by no means a pushover, however. Often times, keeping the peace means firmly letting a friend know that they are stepping out of line, and that they need to tone it down a bit. In general, you are very good at keeping your temper, and people respect you for that.
When someone really starts to bug you, passive-aggressiveness is the way you show your teeth. You give warning with snide comments or frosty glares here and there. If you feel that your aggressor is below you, you might pick on that person or snap at them more often. If they still wont back down after plenty of warning, you can turn cruel and downright mean. Characteristically of most canines, even your loss of temper is fairly calculated and controlled. You know how to hit where it hurts so that your opponent is reeling and you live to fight another day. Still, like any wild canine, you can be a little rough around the edges and sometimes let of steam with little grumbles and snaps here and there. your jokes may have an extra bite or your advice might be a little curt when you are in a bad mood.
Although complete loss of temper is a rare sight, there are two ways to guarantee that itll happen; someone encroaching on your territory and someone trying to hurt the people you love. You are unabashedly protective of both people and things. Its likely that your friends will think twice before stealing your french fries. Similarly, you will stand up against any adversary when your friends are involved. There are no limits when it comes to their safety and happiness.
[ Sensitivity ]
If someone says something mean about you, are you able to let it just slide off? Does it bother you and you keep silent or do you react to it and confront the person? What does it take for a comment to bother you?
You are a pretty tough cookie, when all is said and done. You have an admirable ability to keep going strong, even when stressed. You possess great stamina and endurance; you dont give it all you have at once, so you protect yourself from burning out. You arent the type to let rumors or gossip bother you, and insensitive or harsh comments rarely get through your thick skin. Well insulated from most attacks, you face confrontation with a slightly cocky smile on your face and a few sarcastic quips. Like any wild canine, you are sure of yourself, especially with friends at your side. With back up, there isnt much that can get you down.
Attacks from loved ones, however, are much more damaging. You treasure your loved ones more than anything, and knowing that youve disappointed them or that theyre angry at you can be crippling. If they are really angry, you do your best to appease them or talk it out, no matter how awkward, and almost never act aggressively towards them.
Along with conflicts with friends, large, sudden, or continuous change can knock you off your feet. You are a pretty adaptable person, but too much change stresses you out more than others because of the value you place on habits and traditions.
[ Honesty and Values ]
How important is the truth to you? How often do you lie? Would you rather tell a little lie to protect a friend or are you the type to be brutally honest? What sort of things do you value?
Like any social wild canine, you are quite capable of manipulation and lies and not too hesitant to employ such methods. You are excellent at social games; flattering, soothing, and charming the right people with ease. You dont really consider lying immoral. Its just another way to get by. With friends, however, you tend towards bluntness. It can seem a little harsh at times, but your friends will learn you arent being malicious. In fact, they should take it as a sign of trust. You are only that open around those with whom you are comfortable.
You value love, loyalty, and family above all else. You devote yourself to the ones you love, and put a lot of time and energy into maintaining those bonds. You definitely have a monogamous mindset. Respect, emotional control, perseverance, helpfulness, and dedication are also important values in your world.
[ Work Ethic ]
Do you like to work? What drives you? Do you do better in groups or alone? What would you consider your procrastination level?
You are generally a good worker, persistent and controlled. You are dogged in pursuit of a goal and posses a great stamina when getting things done. You arent really the type to procrastinate, although when overly stressed you tend to fall into that habit more often. In general, you are more comfortable with worrying away bits and pieces of that essay every day until its done.
You excel at teamwork since you are a natural diplomat. Understanding and utilizing the needs and capabilities of each team member is easy for you. You love it when you can get a group together to work collectively towards one goal. As a naturally assertive and somewhat controlling person, you like to be in charge or at least in second commandof the team. If things get too chaotic, or if people simply wont listen to you at all, you prefer to strike out on your own. You hate working in a group that doesnt function well. Certainly you are capable of handling tasks by yourself, and sometimes it is just easier that way. [If you have a male daemon, you will be more likely to strike out on your own when you dont fit in well with the group.] When it comes to large and stressful projects, though, division of labor between competent group members is always preferable to struggling through it alone.
[ Problem-Solving and Decision-Making ]
How do you tackle problems? Are you a heart-over-head kind of person, or do you tend to make choices from a logical and objective standpoint? Does it change when you're under pressure or put in the spotlight?
You are a strategizer, like many predators, and pay careful attention to each individual problem to find out how to deal with it. You look for different solutions and attack things from different angles, always careful to avoid falling into a rut. When compared to other wild canines, however, you are more likely to apply brute strength to power through difficult tasks rather than wasting too much time on other approaches. For these reasons, you are rarely thought to be lazy. In actuality, you do share the laid-back, relaxed approach to problems that many other wild canines exhibit; you are just more organized about it. You never spend all your energy on one task.
Of course, you arent above a few shortcuts here and there. If you are clever enough to find the homework solutions online, then, well, youre clever enough to deserve full credit for the answers. You are an omnivore-and-sometimes-scavenger soul, so you are always on the lookout for opportunities. It is the rational, and easy, path to follow. This might also mean that you have a variety of interests that you spend your time on. Some of those interests might be fleeting, but you have a strong sense of curiosity that means you chase the subject until its nearly exhausted. This natural sense of curiosity often drives your passions (you are probably known for it), and you like to stick your nose into everything.
Your decisions come from the border between your head and heart. You are a planner, a strategizer, and you pride yourself in your ability to remain calm, collected, and diplomatic under pressure. On the other hand, your attachment to your people can sometimes overrule your better judgment. (Sometimes your soft-spot for the helpless gets in the way too). All these factors play into your decisions, making it difficult to classify you as a thinker or a feeler.
[ Spontaneity and Caution ]
Do you do things on a whim or do you like to plan in advance? Are you usually the one making said plans or do you wait for someone else to do it first? Do you usually think of the consequences first or do you act before you think?
You are wary and careful, rarely making snap decisions or sudden leaps in judgment. As mentioned before, you prefer to strategize and make sure all the facts are in before you make a decision, and you arent a big risk taker. You like everyone to be on the same page. As far as plans go, you arent totally rigid but more go-with-the-flow, modifying and adapting your strategy as new events occur. You usually have a back-up plan and are confident when it comes to thinking on your feet, so small changes dont throw you off too much. Part of your adeptness at being a team player and a leader comes from your ability to be one step ahead of the problem and adapt to things as they come at you.
Depending on how you fit into the group, you are happy to either suggest plans or follow them out. You often find yourself being the one to decide which movie your friends will see and organizing the carpool. People naturally look for you for suggestions. You are also happy to lend your support to a competent leader, and sometimes enjoy helping things along without all the responsibility of being in charge. [If you have a male daemon, you might be more willing to let others take charge, while those with female daemons tend to be more controlling.]
[ Reputation ]
Does your reputation precede you? Is it good or bad? What do others tend to think about you? Are you the type that rumors follow or do you blend into the background?
True to your wolfish nature, your reputation can be rather varied. Around your friends, you are open, chatty, playful, and affectionate. You come off as extroverted and confident with a rather wicked sense of humor. When not around friends or an environment you are comfortable in, you might seem reserved, serious, aloof, and maybe even slightly hostile. Again, you dont mean to be, but it can be hard to open up around those you dont know unless they make the proper effort. Some might think of you as a teachers pet, or, conversely, a little too bossy, and people who really get on your bad side will think of you as aggressive and cruel.
Understandably, you give off mixed messages; you might be seen as a little intimidating or odd by some, or welcoming and friendly by others. Those who know your true nature generally find you helpful, loyal, tactful, and respectable.
Wolf taxonomy is a subject often under debate. As of now, there are approximately 39 subspecies of wolves thought to exist, including domestic dogs and dingos, and about 4 that might be separate species. As you might have guessed, many of these species and subspecies vary little, if at all, on the behavioral level (at least, on the level that we analyze to). What this means is that finding an obscure subspecies does not mean you can ignore most of the traits on this analysis, not does it mean that every subspecies needs its own separate analysis. Many of these subspecies vary in habitat, diet, and physical characteristics, which are traits that can be discussed in This, That, or the Difference, Yellow Warbler, or Quick Interpretations. When it all comes down to it, whether you settled as a Tundra wolf or an Alaskan Tundra wolf may just be personal preference.
There are, however, a few overreaching differences between subspecies in different regions of the world. Remember that these are only rough generalizations, and more research should be done on individual species.
Northern wolves (those living in North America, Europe, and northern Asia) tend to be more robust and look and act like the typical gray wolf. North American and European wolves were thought to have evolved around the same time. In general, they might be more thickly furred and indifferent to insult.
Southern wolves (those hailing from the Arabian Peninsula/South Asia) are thought to be older and are more primitive in behavior and appearance. They are more similar in behavior to jackals, with whom they often share territory. They tend to have shorter fur and weaker teeth given that they live in warm climates and dont rely as much on large game. Their pack structures arent quite as large or rigid as those of North American or European wolves. They often hunt alone or in pairs, rather than as a larger group. Overall, southern wolves would be rougher, slightly more volatile, and a teeny bit less people-oriented than their North American or European counterparts.
Red wolves [canis (lupus) rufus] are sometimes considered a separate species, sometimes a subspecies, and sometimes a hybrid between wolves and coyotes. In fact, they have several coyote-like behavioral traits, and are perhaps more like coyotes in hunting technique than other North American wolves. There are reports that they are more likely to hunt alone or in pairs (like coyotes or other primitive canines) than in larger cooperative groups. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information about the behavior of these animals, so nothing can be said with 100% certainty about these traits.
This is a pretty good site to help sift through wolf taxonomy.
If wolves still arent quite right, check out this wonderful analysis for wolf-alternatives.
written by-
JKate from the daemon forum/TDF
Bird Soul personality
the very basics of a bird soul, if none of these fit you you may look upon other animals
1. Independence. Birds do not like to be crowded. They have to be able to take off without interfering with each other's flight paths, so they generally do not forage too close together. In parallel, bird people need space in which to work and live and don't appreciate others clinging to them.
2. Flock mentality. It varies in strength between species, but social birds are conscious of the conspecifics around them. Flocks are formed for safety in numbers, and if an individual bird is reducing that safety by behaving inappropriately (like being too noisy or not watching for predators), the flock leaves them behind. Bird people watch the people they're with and modify their behaviour accordingly. Birds who find it hard to get along with all different kinds of people are probably unhealthy.
3. Detachment. By definition flocks are loose aggregations of birds with general social laws. They're not strongly cemented, although some birds do form strong ties within social groups (but those groups aren't technically flocks). Flocking birds are social, friendly and outgoing, but not committed to their friends; if life moves them apart, birds rarely make the effort to keep the friendship going.
4. Non-hierarchy. Almost no birds exhibit true, continuous hierarchy. The bird version is a pecking order, which can switch on and off, changes fluidly, and describes the relationship only between the bird and one other person at a time; that is to say, it does not dictate group dynamics, only individual relationships. Also, pecking orders have three ranks: Above Me, Me or Below Me, meaning that in a system with more than three people some will always share the same rank as others while the pecking order is active. (This is the complete opposite of canine and feline hierarchy in which only one person can fill each rank; there is no equality of hierarchy.)
5. Honesty. My favourite theory for this is that birds have an audiovisual communication system with no smell component, so for them things have to be stated explicitly in order to happen. In contrast, smell-reliant animals like mammals and primates have implicit contracts about their motivations and preferences. The famous bird-mammal divide is, according to my theory, here - where birds fail to receive or ignore discrete mammalian messages, and where mammals fail to be clear enough to communicate their intentions to birds.
written by-
Jory from The Daemon Forum/TDF
viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012
testing my first blog
hi there. my nickname is kurai and this is the first entry of my first blog ever.
im not sure what to write..... well maybe i should say some brief information about myself. I am from Puerto Rico and i love to write(on my own terms), draw, read, listen to music, investigate everything i see. i thought i would start a blog because i just love to tell people about my experiences in ways that they will enjoy. I do not wanna brag or look self centered, quite the opposite, i like making others happy.
until next time!
im not sure what to write..... well maybe i should say some brief information about myself. I am from Puerto Rico and i love to write(on my own terms), draw, read, listen to music, investigate everything i see. i thought i would start a blog because i just love to tell people about my experiences in ways that they will enjoy. I do not wanna brag or look self centered, quite the opposite, i like making others happy.
until next time!
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